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    Dragon Quest The average Dragon Quest fan

    Dragon Quest The average Dragon Quest fan

    The average Dragon Quest fan

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Update on that Tattoo

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    I hope Square-Enix is taking notes...

    Posted: 07 May 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    (DQXI Act 2 Spoilers) This is me explaining why I love this game to my friends while also justifying fish

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    Just look at our sweet little boy

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    What did you guys think of Dragon Quest Your Story ?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Watched it with friends, and I really think the story and characters are really cool... But I hate, HATE the ending, and I was wondering what Dragon Quest dans thought about it, since I'm just getting into the franchise myself.

    submitted by /u/EymericSeven
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    Can someone help me find the fragment? When I talk to the janitor guy he says he can't sense anything?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Known Leaker LeakyPandy says a new Dragon Quest announcement is coming at E3

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Cast of Dragon Quest XI as Miis in Miitopia.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Just finished the Kai quest line.l in DQ11

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! New to the sub here - also my first DQ game

    I just finished the Kai quest line. I'm surprised how serious that was, especially since the game has had a lighter tone up until now. Nautica is really cool, the creative design is blowing me away every new area I reach. I'm just wondering how much story I have left? Feels like I would be about halfway through by now.

    submitted by /u/cillerix
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    Am I Playing Too Slow?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    I'm approaching 10 hours into DQ VIII now and just got to Ascantha. I feel like I'm spending too much time exploring the overworld trying to find chests. It almost feels too big for how sparsely populated it is. I'm at like level 18 with Hero and Yangus and kind of steamrolling.

    Any advice on how to be better about not aimlessly wondering? I don't wanna miss things but also don't wanna use a guide. I'm thinking I might just need to pass on collecting every single thing, at least on a first time playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Soarin-Flyin
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    The ultimate DQ XI Walkthrough has finally been completely updated to include Definitive Edition changes.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    So I'm sure a lot on this sub know of this walkthrough created by MasterJG over on Neoseeker but for those that don't or those that haven't seen yet MasterJG has finally finished the updating process of getting the guide to include all the changes made in the definitive edition while still working for non-definitive edition versions.

    It is hands down the most thorough and well put together guide/walkthrough for a game I have ever come across and does an awesome job of providing help for where you are at without giving major spoilers unless you read too far ahead. You can even just use it as a way to double check before you leave an area that you obtained everything you could at that time due to the extremely detailed region maps that show item locations. It has tips and strategies for all the boos fights if you need/want them including party composition and gear recommendations that is relevant to where you are at in the story. It also gives a decently streamlined path that doesn't have you go out of the way too much while still following the path of the main storyline and picking up all the side quests.

    So like I said at the top I am making this post because it is finally fully updated to Definitive edition and to help raise awareness of this awesome resource for those that may not have known about it.

    https://www.neoseeker.com/dragon-quest-xi/walkthrough (Posting link again incase people miss the hyperlink embeded in the first sentence.)

    (Also I double checked before posting to see if anyone else had posted a topic about it finally being completed and didn't see another post but I could have missed it so apologies if I did miss it.)

    submitted by /u/Gohankuten
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    How I feel the post game in DQ11

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Gemma, the Ultimate Overlord of Shadows

    I feel more tormented by her dialogues that is a certain thing that both of us will end together that the whole Calasmos thing =.=

    I feel the same thing with Bianca on DQV, but at least Bianca is a active character while Gemma... I can't remember about her sometimes.

    P.S. I prefer Deborah over Bianca, but in my snes playtrought I chose Bianca because the blue one already had a probable suitor.

    P.P.S. When I have the oportunity, I'll choose Jade.

    P.P.P.S. My first meme, I hope everyone like it =D ( I don't know if idea is original)

    submitted by /u/Haddock_Lotus
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    What level should I get to before defeating the final boss (Spoilers)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    I want to beat DQ8 on the 3ds and I can't for the life of me defeat the final boss, Rhapthorne. What level would be good enough to beat him without pulling teeth?

    I keep dying whenever I try to summon the 7 sages with the Godbird Sceptre to break Rapthorne's seal. Really dumb part of the boss fight to be honest.

    I'm at level 43 and have been grinding metal slimes for a really long time.

    submitted by /u/KamilleSenpai
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    I might’ve made a terrible mistake...

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    So how about those DQ8 3DS prices?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    I was pretty surprised to see the inflated prices. Looks like it's going to be over a hundred bucks no matter what.

    I was hoping to play through with the new characters but I guess I'll be holding off for a while.

    submitted by /u/AlchemicRez
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    Sage level up

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    My sage doesn't seem to be gaining much mp from level ups. She has vamp personality so am I just getting unlucky level ups?

    submitted by /u/LinkthePikachu
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    (SPOILERS) The Ending

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Yeah I know, I know, everyone and their dog knows the ending to Dragon Quest III at this point, but better safe than sorry.

    Anyway, I had a shower thought after beating the Erdrick trilogy recently for my personal first time: When Erdrick vanishes without a trace after the celebrations and drops off all his stuff for his descendants, do you reckon he found a way back to the Overworld?

    Obviously in order for him to have descendants in Alefgard though, he would have needed to have had a relationship with someone there for however brief during Zoma's reign, but that seems plausible, especially so since in Dragon Quest I, the Hero really has to work to prove he's actually related to Erdrick, which could imply Erdrick had a one-night fling and left.

    I just like to think it'd be a rather happy ending if maybe he returned to the cave and while chiseling his message to his descendant, found that a small rift back to the Overworld remained, and made it back safe and sound to his homeland.

    What're your personal thoughts, tho? 🤔

    submitted by /u/TheBlankestPage
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