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    Friday, January 7, 2022

    Dragon Quest Just got this beauty today, i love it!

    Dragon Quest Just got this beauty today, i love it!

    Just got this beauty today, i love it!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 10:51 AM PST

    Dragon Quest XI surprised me in the best of ways

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 10:22 PM PST

    I've been a gamer since I can remember, and RPGs have always been my number one genre. When I was a kid, games were NOT easy to come by, let alone accessible. The price, the fact they were all in English and that you had to import them were common hurdles. So I only played a JRPG at 13, and it was FF X-2.

    My first Dragon Quest was IX, on DS. I had to import an English version from HK. I had fun, but never made it past 20 or so hours. I later got the DS version of DQ IV, and I don't think I played more than 5h. Then a few years later I got DQ VIII, but didn't made past 25h or so. The stories never really impressed me, and to be honest, it's because I compared them too much with Final Fantasy, which I couldn't stop playing at the time.

    This Christmas I realized how much I missed a tradional JRPG, something I could simply pick up and play. I saw that DQ XI was on sale on the PStore and thought maybe I could enjoy it this time. Undecided, I saw there was a demo. Thank you Square for that demo!

    In less than 6h playing it, I knew I had to buy it. I haven't had such a great time gaming like this for a long time. My 2021 was not an easy year. Life wasn't fair and I'm still trying to adjust to everything. But this game picked me UP. I can escape to Erdrea and just relax for hours. I haven't sat down in front of the TV and played more than 3h straight since 2014!

    Now I'm a die hard DQ fan and I want to buy a 3DS just so I can play the games released on the DS and 3DS. I even picked up crocheting again to make cutesy slimes.

    Anyway, DQ is magical and I wish I had noticed it sooner!

    submitted by /u/That-Staff8794
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    My Dragon Quest 8 Piano Sheetmusic Book arrived!!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2022 01:30 AM PST

    I hope you all are having a happy new year! How has it been so far?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 07:11 PM PST

    Drew my DQIX party

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 01:55 PM PST

    What is your luckiest break in Dragon Quest?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 06:28 PM PST

    I recently used the Electro Light + Hallelujah trick and was able to defeat a vicious king metal slime and two other vicious liquid metal slimes, which gave me almost a million XP. So what are y'all's stories of the RNG gods being on your side during a play through of the games

    submitted by /u/Ajthaking31
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    Nobody______Those dancing girls in Dragon Quest 11

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 05:27 PM PST

    I’m a huge 3ds collector, and love dragon quest/warrior. My first game ever was dragon warrior on NES. So just wanted to share with y’all my excitement of getting this!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 03:35 PM PST

    Xbox series x autosaving issue. Freezes when it it start auto saving. I've tried everything. If the only option is to restart I'll just quit

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 10:13 PM PST

    My Dragon Quest DS Slime Speaker Stands

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 01:21 PM PST


    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 03:13 PM PST

    So I'm mostly into DQ8 and Ilooked up rescipes for strongest gears I could make, one I saw was liquid metal sword I believe, the required a rusty sword, slime crown, and a orichalcam? (Idk how to spell it) so I was curious how many u can find, how to farm it, and best way to get them or so, I did also read u can only find 5 or 7-ish. Also what are worth making with the metal?

    submitted by /u/Shmoe9799
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    I made replicas of Dragon Quest heroes on Hero forge and thought it would be fun to share :)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 02:43 PM PST

    Do you have any questions about the offline version of DQX?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 05:42 PM PST

    I’m stuck at Furrowfield

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 01:03 PM PST

    So I'm doing the mission where you need 5 different crops and so far I have Wheat, Cabbage and Sugar cane but I have no idea where to find pumpkin and tomato seeds and I don't have any quests available to tell me where to go just the main one telling me I need 5 crops I'm not sure if this is a glitch or if the game just wants me to randomly explore

    submitted by /u/United-Aside-6104
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    Dragon Quest XI S - PS4 - Missing one important item

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 12:47 PM PST

    So, after beating everything the game has to offer, I'm trying to 100% it by getting all items.

    I miss one important item, the one between "Album de Médailles" and "Bianca's Ribbon"

    Any help would would be greatly appreciated TIA

    submitted by /u/Bourbonjosh
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    *Spoiler* Act 1 end

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 06:16 PM PST

    OK so I really really really dislike this part and has basically stopped me from playing the game for a few weeks now, why tf did the developers split the party up and, I'm assuming, will make you play with each party member separately for a while? It's just frustrating and I'm not even that interested in what I've seen so far. Just got done with Sylvandos part and started on jades am I actually gonna have to play with each party member individually?

    submitted by /u/NET_WT_2v5
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    When Dragon Quest 10 offline will be released in Japan? Will it be possible to play it outside of Japan since it’s offline ?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 07:58 AM PST

    *** HELP! The Ending of Dragon Quest XI (Spoilers)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2022 09:54 AM PST

    I just finished the final boss and credits, and was wondering how do I access the ending to marrying Gemma (Or any of the other characters apparently)?

    Was I meant to save my progress in Cobblestone before Veronica and Serena took me to the world tree (Which I didn't?!) then load game from there?

    Or will the game always start off with Calasmos waiting to be defeated? (If so, how do I get married from there?)

    I got the ending where I woke up with two beds, but my mum was waiting inside the house, lmao.

    submitted by /u/callmecutiepie
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    A New Year with the Luminary and Serena!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 02:57 AM PST

    Nimzo was Aamon’s disciple?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 09:26 PM PST

    On the dragon quest wiki sites, it says that Grandmaster Nimzo was Aamon's last disciple. Is this true? I definitely don't remember reading anything like that when playing DQ5. Also, it doesn't really match up lore-wise, since Nimzo was said to have been a resident of Lofty Peak, which doesn't exist yet at the time of DQ4. As cool as this would be if it was true, I'm pretty sure it's not.

    submitted by /u/Macromind101
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    Dragon Quest 9 skill and vocation questions

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 08:31 PM PST

    Finally been playing DQ9 after running through the earlier titles. I am loving it so far but the skill trees stress me out more than DQ6 and DQ7 class systems lol. I want to make it clear that I am only concerned with main game builds and not post game. I am curious if a martial artist is a good enough class to keep for the final boss? If so would claws be a good enough weapon or not? I have spent weapon points on everyone but my martial artist. Most people are saying Paladin and Gladiator are the way to go. I am wondering if a warrior, martial artist, priest, and mage would be enough? I also wouldn't be opposed to having a paladin but the gladiator class I am iffy about. Is the gladiator really much better than the warrior? Also what is the best skill path for a priest? Is faith worth dumping points into? Now my last question is are shields worth dumping points into for everyone? Or just for the shieldless classes?

    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Place_72
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    Dragon Quest Monsters

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 10:25 PM PST

    Anticipating my Analogue Pocket, I threw Dragon Warrior Monsters on my PSP Go. It still holds up well! That then lead to seeing if it ever got ported anywhere…

    Man, this Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland translation on my 3DS is gold. If you've got a 3DS you can play it on, I'd totally recommend giving it a look! :)

    submitted by /u/darklordjames
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    When DQ 12 comes out we can finally make the headline of the Reddit symmetrical with 6 heroes on each side and not put a placeholder slime

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 06:52 AM PST

    Anyone have any ideas/theories on why this wasn't revisited? *Spoilers for early Act 1, some of Act 2, and Act 3*

    Posted: 05 Jan 2022 03:03 PM PST

    So in Act 1, after escaping from Heliodor, speaking to Derk and getting through the Manglegrove, you go to Cobblestone and somehow time travel into the past (and this is confirmed to be actual time travel, not just a vision by Chalky leaving the letter in Cobblestone Falls and the player managing to interact with things and people before "returning" to the present). That's all fine, as I was making my way through the game for the first time, I was fully prepared to accept that as part of the Luminary's connection to Yggdrasil as a sort of "upgraded" version of the vision power where the Luminary didn't just see the past but could also step into it, so to speak.

    Anyway, as the game progressed, I was a bit surprised that the prospect of time travel wasn't getting mentioned even when the Luminary demonstrated the vision power again, especially in Sniflheim. Erik knows about the time travel because he was there in Cobblestone and explicitly mentioned "time travel", so I was a little surprised when upon him regaining his memories he didn't mention it given that the Yggdrasil root was right there. I was surprised again when instead of some form of Yggdrasil root time travel happening to show the player Dundrasil before the Gloomivore fight, we just sort of... went inside his head? I feel like there was a fair amount of potential missed there - even if the Luminary couldn't prevent the fall of Dundrasil and his parents deaths, he could have maybe fought alongside Irwin and then run after Jade and held off that monster (one of the three headless knights with the face on the shield, since the other two went after Eleanor) who was chasing her in the animation at the very start of the game. It would have answered the question of how she escaped long enough to fall into that river when she lost the Luminary as a baby.

    But even putting aside the lost potential for a moment, I wasn't too bothered by any of that since it was still a great story. I was just a little confused about whether they were ever going to address the Cobblestone time travel thing, but eventually figured that they probably weren't.

    Then Act 3 came along. I'm not too bothered about the growth and development of Act 2 being erased, because while it is a gut punch to leave behind those characters you've had certain experiences with, and while it does erase the character growth, I felt that the emotion behind leaving them and erasing that grwoth was a sign of good storytelling in making me attached to the characters in the first place. It made the weight of the decision more serious. So that didn't bother me beyond the emotional standpoint.

    What did bother me was how it was being implied that the Tower of Lost Time was the only potential method of time travel, and how the Luminary didn't think "But I've time travelled before without the tower" and not even Erik thought to pipe up and go "hold up, didn't you time travel back in Cobblestone to talk to your Grandpa? That's how you had that letter from your birth mother right? And how we ended up having the keystone to go through the Door of Departure? Why do we have to use the time sphere which seems like a one way ticket?"

    What also gets me is that particular method of time travel also let the Luminary return to the present Cobblestone after talking with Chalky. Sure, he didn't change Cobblestone being destroyed, but he didn't know it had been until he was back in the present and could actually see the destruction. What he did change was Chalky leaving the letter and other things in Cobblestone Falls. So ultimately the whole "sacrificing my life in this future" thing feels hollow because... well we've time travelled before and returned to the present, so why can't we do that again? Why was that a one off thing? There were definitely ways the Luminary could have saved Veronica and left behind a decoy body (which would also explain why said body hadn't deteriorated over the months it took for the Luminary to wake up as a fish), whether he took her back to the present with him or hid her away until the future came to pass.

    I'm not saying that's what should have happened, since Yggsrasil would have still fallen and loads of people would have still died, but we didn't get any kind of explanation along the lines of "oh yeah, you've time travelled before but that's not possible this time because- blah blah blah". It just doesn't make sense that a form of time travel is established early game once and then is completely ignored going forwards to the point of being replaced with a different form of time travel later on, without any explanation unless I missed a major plot point.

    So yeah, does anyone have any theories on this? Sorry for the long post but getting all my thoughts down felt like it would help establish the context behind why I'm asking.

    submitted by /u/shadowsroyal
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