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    Sunday, February 6, 2022

    Dragon Quest Does anyone else obsessively try to resurrect everyone before combat is over so they all get XP?

    Dragon Quest Does anyone else obsessively try to resurrect everyone before combat is over so they all get XP?

    Does anyone else obsessively try to resurrect everyone before combat is over so they all get XP?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:38 AM PST

    I have always been frustrated with the game mechanic of giving 0 XP to someone just because they are dead when combat ends. I hate the way it makes them fall behind the progression of everyone else.

    Usually I make it a point to resurrect everyone before I deal the final blow, but with some of the DQXI endgame bosses, I was just trying to beat them AT ALL, so I didn't care anymore!

    The first occurrence of this was with the Octagonian fighters and Aractagon. This back-to-back fight took me so long because I was spending half my time resurrecting and healing, and then they would just get killed again! After that, I was like, "Screw it! It's not worth it at this point!"

    Anyone else do this? Granted, it tends to only happen with bosses, but that's also where you usually get a big chunk of XP that the dead character will miss out on.

    (As an aside, I LOVE that in DQXI all party members get full XP even if they aren't in the active party! But if only dead members would get at least SOME XP for their trouble! I figure they had to have learned SOMETHING, even if it was just don't die next time!) :)

    submitted by /u/JohnJSal
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    About to start my 20th try to beat this guy. God damn he's hard.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:32 AM PST

    Update: 20th Times the charm :)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:42 AM PST

    What I do to people who say dragon quest isn’t popular

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:50 PM PST

    Should I restart? (DQXI)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 11:02 PM PST

    Seeking some advice, around 9-10 months ago I picked up dq11 and binged it all the way to the library in the snowy place. I was burning myself out a little and decided to take a small break, unfortunately I forgot about it and here we are now. I barely remember the plot and I don't really remember the mechanics and game systems at all. Will I be too lost trying to get back into playing it? if so is it worth it just restarting fully? Or is there a chance I can reintegrate myself? Any thoughts appreciated. Don't have much free time now so I don't want to waste any hours trying to get back into it and failing. Also wondering what percentage of the game I made it through, thanks!

    submitted by /u/DustyBot23
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    Who do you think should compose the soundtrack for DQ12 vs who is the most realistic choice?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:24 PM PST

    For me, I'd love something like Yoko Shimomura or Hitoshi Sakimoto. They're both great at that orchestral kind of sound.

    Although, realistically, I get the feeling they're going to be even lazier than DQ11 and give us, like, archived demos that Sugiyama hadn't finished.

    submitted by /u/blossom-
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    DQ5 Nera story Rework

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:46 AM PST

    I've been replaying DQ5 recently and It's always bothered me that the game gave so much more attention to Bianca compared to the other potential brides so I came up with some ideas to give Nera about the same amount of screen time and development without changing any events majorly.

    Im not changing Debora because I think her role is pretty funny but she will be included with a small moment of characterization.

    The first time you meet Nera on the ship she greets you briefly and not much else. In this version of the story you would talk to her in her room where, after a moment of hesitation, she would nervously ask you to play and tell you she knows where to find something special.

    You would head down a flight of stairs under the deck with her and end up inside a magical dungeon or castle of some sort. This would be short and somewhat easy to navigate since it is early in the game. In here your attack, defense, and HP would be very high and Nera is an uncontrollable party member with healing and a few powerful spells. At the end you would get to a room with a cool looking weapon or treasure of some sort. A voice would call out saying it will have to be defeated before they can take the treasure and a boss monster would appear and a fight would start. After you deal enough damage, the boss gloats and hits you both with an insta-kill attack.

    It is then revealed that you are just playing pretend under the ship in storage and Debora was the boss. Nera will say Debora always plays too rough and run away hurt and crying. Debora then compliments you for not being a crybaby like her sister before being angrily called by her father. At some point before you leave the ship Nera will thank you for playing with her because she doesn't have many friends.

    Later in the game when you meet her as a teen/adult she will be chasing after a dog like in normal but this time it will run out of town with Nera following. A child will run up to you and ask if you saw where their dog and Nera went and ask you to go after them. You follow them to an old nearby shack with a staircase underground where Nera will be nervously pacing. She will notice you and ask for your help getting the dog back and getting home before anyone worries. This will also be a short dungeon without a boss similar to the waterfall cave you go through later with Bianca but dark and full of cobwebs.

    Using party chat will have her say that she's scared but if we don't get the dog back the child will be heartbroken. This helps establish her caring personality. Later in the dungeon she will also say how fighting monsters is actually kind of exciting with someone to help keep her safe. You get the dog, return to town, she finally recognizes you and thanks you before returning to the mansion. The game progresses as normal after this.

    I feel like this is enough to give her more character and connection to the protagonist and put her on a similar level as Bianca (sabercub notwithstanding).

    This is probably my favorite game in the series but have always thought the imbalance between these two characters was odd since the game tries to act like it's an equal decision for the main character.

    Let me know if I did a good job or if I ruined the story!

    submitted by /u/Nasty_Hagfish
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    Forge Hit Walkthough?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:33 PM PST

    Does a walkthrough exist for every hit I need to take for the forge on DQ11? For example, "For iron spear it takes 3 bash, 1 cool, 2 multibash." (Made up/fake recipe obviously)

    submitted by /u/Yoonminest
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    Where can I find rarified orichalcum?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 03:46 PM PST

    I'm trying to forge the Sword of Light for the second time (postgame), but I can't seem to find the spot where I got this in Act 1. Apparently there was a change in the definitive edition that requires this rather than normal orichalcum.

    I read that it's in the cave at the top of the second spiral area in the Battleground, but I've been looking around there and still can't find it. Can anyone give me more specifics about where to look, if you remember?


    submitted by /u/JohnJSal
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