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    Dragon Quest DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 68 Discussion

    Dragon Quest DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 68 Discussion

    DQ: The Adventure of Dai - Episode 68 Discussion

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 06:26 PM PST

    Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, Episode 68.

    Alternative names: Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (2020)


    Official Streams

    Show Information

    Previous Episode Discussion: Episode 67

    Next Episode Discussion: Coming Feburary11th, 2022

    submitted by /u/TheCodingGamer
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    Water balloon versus tennis racket

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 09:22 AM PST

    I still love these vows so much lol and yes I chose Bianca shush lol

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:52 AM PST

    Dragon Quest IX Hero attacked by a Cruelcumber! I hope you like this short animation.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:09 PM PST

    The slots are a cold mistress. Almost had 5 watermelons, three 7’s, and looks like another bell above in the fourth slot. Couldn’t give me one more tick. Another missed jackpot. Such is the gambling life ��

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 03:40 PM PST

    Trying Out DQX, Pretty Lost but Want to Try to Go Through It

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:03 PM PST

    Went with a race that looks like a Fairy and I think I picked Mage but not certain, used google's crappy translator app to translate stuff (poorly). Admittedly, I wanted to learn Japanese before attempting to play DQX, but I hadn't had much of a chance for that and playing through DQXI made me want to play it even more so... here I am on that. lol

    Is a shame that buying the expansions would force me to go into sub-fee mode because I want to play as the dragon-people race or demon race.

    I did hear that DQX has a fan-made translation patch for English players, though. If anyone knows where to download that, let me know.

    submitted by /u/X1-0N
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    Survey on Game Experience and Perceived Stress.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:49 AM PST

    Hi everyone. I'm conducting research on Game Experience and Perceived Stress for my Ph.D. study. I would appreciate it if you could answer my survey. It will take about 20 minutes to complete. All responses will be anonymized. The link to the survey is https://york.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eFDOI6qdqsY8yHA

    Permission from Mods have been requested.

    submitted by /u/Petite295
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    Dragon Quest 11 for Xbox content?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 04:40 PM PST

    So I recently got Dragon Quest 11 for Xbox. I've been away from the series for a few years and I've been super excited to get back into it because it used to be one of my favorites.

    Anyway, I've been researching the game a little bit, and, evidently, the Switch version has extra content? From what I understand, the Switch version has extra missions as well such as a mission where you play as Sylvando?

    I have a Switch but got the game for Xbox and I'm worried I should have gotten it for the Switch instead. Does the Xbox version contain this content, too, or is it solely Switch exclusive (I ask because the Xbox version came out after the Switch, so maybe it was included as well)? I couldn't find answers to this anywhere else on the internet.

    submitted by /u/xConstantine313
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    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 07:57 AM PST

    Does anyone know when you get to do free play or creative in Dragon Quest Builders 2? Instead of doing quests

    submitted by /u/AdBoring9266
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    fans of DQIX

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:41 AM PST

    so i'm like 4-5 bosses in. what all do you guys enjoy about the game? i've seen a ton of people talk about how they enjoyed the multiplayer, or other stuff like that. don't get me wrong i'm cool with the music and all but i feel pretty bored with the game so far. the celestrian stuff is kinda cool but it barely changes anything in the story. i don't wanna be a stick in the mud but i don't really think i like the game so far. please share what you guys like about this game and whether i'm missing out on something that you guys aren't.

    submitted by /u/KobaltKitten36
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    what is “In Memoriam?”

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:57 PM PST

    so i've gotten most of the way through the game. it's been years since i've played it, so i'm a little rusty and occasionally have had to look up guides and get help in a few spots, mostly when it came to bosses. something i saw a lot was "x boss in memoriam." i tried to find more information but i was only being given information on the boss Ruin In Memoriam, and was just wondering if anyone knew what this is? i haven't played the game for about 8 years, and i'm also playing it on the 3DS as opposed to the PS2. to my recollection i never ran into any of this.

    submitted by /u/Mundane_Ambassador87
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    Clarification on the Switch Costumes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:13 PM PST

    Hey guys! I finished this game on the PS4 already and I kinda want to replay it on the switch. The one thing that I hated in the PS4 version is that costumes and armor are the same (i.e. I cannot keep wearing my DQ8 costume because its stats are poor).

    I've read that the switch version changed this. Just wanted to clarify if this is indeed the case. Would love to wear that sweet DQ8 costume the entire game because frankly, the default costume of DQ11 kinda sucks...

    submitted by /u/themadbat
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