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    Monday, February 7, 2022

    Dragon Quest Played Dragon Quest Monsters Joker as a kid, looking to get back into the series!

    Dragon Quest Played Dragon Quest Monsters Joker as a kid, looking to get back into the series!

    Played Dragon Quest Monsters Joker as a kid, looking to get back into the series!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 10:23 AM PST

    Hey all! As the title states I played DQMJ a long time ago and really enjoyed it as far as I can remember, although do recall some pretty awful grinding. I've recently been made aware that the Dragon Quest Monsters series and Joker 3 is a thing. Can anyone recommend a good place to get back into the series, and give a little bit of background on each title? I'd really like to give some of them a go if possible. Thanks very much :)

    submitted by /u/TorkoalFever
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    How grindy is DQ3?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 10:37 PM PST

    I'm almost done with 2 and was hoping for a change of pace.

    submitted by /u/gamergirl_nextdoor
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    Stuck in very early game

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 08:17 AM PST


    I'm playing thru Dragon Quest VII for the 3ds and am a tad confused. I'm trying to put the tablet fragments on the pedestal and they very much look like they fit, but am unsure of how to actually place them where I want them.

    If it makes a difference I'm trying to put the fragments on the NW pillar of the yellow section. They really look like they should fit.

    EDIT: nevermind, it just started working. I don't know if I had to get the positions just right or what but it started working and I swear I didn't do anything differently. Gonna leave this up in case it helps somebody else.

    Dragonquest VII can't place tablet fragments.

    submitted by /u/SmallButMany
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    It's genuinely bizarre that there aren't any Dragon Quest titles for PSP

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 07:29 AM PST

    Considering how big the PSP was for RPGs (and specifically how much love Final Fantasy got on the platform), it's seriously strange that we didn't see any DQ titles, ports / remasters or otherwise, on the PSP.

    submitted by /u/WheresTheSauce
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    Might is right

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 03:18 AM PST

    So I'm trying to do every quest and in this one you have to kill the Balhibs to find their boss or whatever But I swear none of the other "rare encounter" quests where this hard Am I missing something? I think I made like 9 levels off just killing them

    submitted by /u/Rarooos
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    Dragon quest 3 is making me lose my mind. When does this game become fun?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 11:26 PM PST

    I loved 1 and most of 2. Now I'm on 3. Just hit the desert town and I cannot for the life of me stay alive long enough to progress.

    My cycle goes—>die, revive, die again and lose all money, no money to revive party = grind for 15 minutes to revive party, die, repeat.

    When is this game supposed to be fun. It's hard as balls. The last two were a mix of fun and discovery and trial and error. This game is basically just saying "oh you wanted to progress? HA YOU THOUGHT"

    I mean seriously. The encounter rate is insane. It's one encounter every 4-5 steps. On top of that the flee success rate is abysmal. I can't flee until 3/4 members of my party are dead.

    So my question is: when does this game become fun? I read 3 is the best one and fan favorite. So far it's my least. I want to have fun and enjoy the game but I am actually very close to throwing my switch against a wall. I can't even grind to level up because I am always f*cking dying.

    submitted by /u/SluttySteveBuscemi
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