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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Dragon Quest Every couple of months I need to remind myself of this scene from a Japanese McDonald's ad

    Dragon Quest Every couple of months I need to remind myself of this scene from a Japanese McDonald's ad

    Every couple of months I need to remind myself of this scene from a Japanese McDonald's ad

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Finally bought it - so excited! Any non-spoilers tips should know?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    [DQ XI S] What level should I wait to be before I claim the free dlc reward outfits?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:35 AM PST

    I grabbed the 5 free seeds, but I'm wondering if I should wait until a certain point before I claim the clothing pieces - assuming they scale to my level when claimed. My save file was deleted and I'm starting from the beginning again. When would be the best time to claim those items?

    submitted by /u/TenOunceCan
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    A thought about Dragon Quest's future (the west and japan, etc)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:09 AM PST

    While SE is a separate publisher, there are aspect of a recent interview of one of the higher up(the president? ) at nintendo that I found interesting recently as it pertained to the subject of Japan compared to the ratt of the world in term of markets.

    It was talking about how Japan was about 30 percent of nintendo's market whereas the world represented about 70 percent of it.

    Now this might seem like this wouldn't relate to Dragon Quest much considering the market proportions are MUCH different and, on paper, lopsided toward Japan being "the" priority target.

    But an interesting bit of the interview of the Nintendo guy was how it specified how they felt about that share in Japan on the subject of demographics most specifically.

    Because at the end of the day Japan is not a market that's growing bigger by the year. Or, for that matter... nor is it a market that's getting any younger either. And generally a market that is growing older on average while the population isn't necessarily increasing either is not something that can be sustained on the long run.

    So thinking about this while we cheered on the recent announcement promising more Dragon Quest games in the west as the proof it's future might be assured "in the west"... I wonder if in a subtle way it's even still kind of the other way around.

    That is, that success in the west might over time be the only way the franchise could ensure to survive even in Japan.

    Because if you remove those western sales of maybe 1.5mil in the west for DQ11... -you may indeed still clearly see that Japan had bigger sales... but also get a number that represents maaaaaybe.... 3mil, 4mil sales in a stagnant market that will likely not only never grown further but might even shrink over time.

    In such a scenario then the franchise might NEED the west not just for growth but survival at all so that growth in the west can counter-balance potential declines in Japan in the future because of demographics(which, tbh, aren't healthy in japan*).

    So it makes me wonder if the recent announcement some time ago wasn't just about there being enough sales in the west to warrant supporting worldwide release, but specifically there being enough to think furture growth may indeed offset potential future declines in Japan? After all, this is a franchise that seem to have always been profitable with sales numbers of only 1-3 millions in japan alone. And since decline would likely be slow so can growth afford to not be massive. If they only need 500k(or even less!) more sales in the west to offset a potential similarly decline in japan... then they might still win out. Especially since on paper, if growth is possible in the west it might still end up even happening faster than Japan's base could decline.

    On a random note, regarding demographics it feels odd to think that gene we traditionally associate with Japan might not only end up being primarily played by people from outside japan in the longer future but perhaps even developed by studios not even located in japan in the first place.

    Thinking again about the nintendo example, the recent Luigi's Mansion last year saw a lot development work done by western studios iirc(I just can't recall if the studio was based in Canada or the US). And honestly it's still such a nintendo game I don't think you could know westerners worked on at least aspects if it rather than a Japanese studio.

    It's kind of a weird prospect to think that perhaps someday(if the franchise last long enough) a western studio could be someday perhaps even do work on a dragon Quest game without fans even necessarily noticing the difference? Of course that's a bit of a stretch but with demographics and time... who knows?

    submitted by /u/Ludovsky
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    The 1 time ive greatly appreciated the turbo button on my fake pro controller, went to bed 6hrs ago and woke up to this☕️

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:21 AM PST

    Thank you for the easy happy hat farm king

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:49 PM PST

    A True Hero Draws Near

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:45 PM PST

    How did Rab pull strings?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Spoilers I suppose. I don't know how to hide text.

    How did Rab persuaded the balls to be redrawn so Hero want paired with Jade? This is in Octagonia.

    submitted by /u/Melonfrog
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    Dragon Quest XI S: You mad, bro?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:17 PM PST

    Trying an English translation of Caravan Heart, lets see how this goes, pardon the glare.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:34 PM PST


    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:37 AM PST

    When does the team reunite in act II?

    I'm getting tired of playing as charters that I'm no gud at, as the only charters I payed attention to were my core 4 (which in my case were the Hero, Eric, Serena, and Veronica). Like I flat out didn't give Rab any new equipment.

    Needless to say I am anxious to reunite the party.

    submitted by /u/JoshtheCollegeKid
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    About skill points in DQ8

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Hey, so I just started DQ8, and I realized I'm going to have to allocate skill points in this game, and there isn't a way to re-spec.

    Is there any particular skill path I should avoid? Or are they all viable?

    I'm not looking to min-max or get an optimal build or anything, I just want to make sure that there isn't anything that's just a flat out waste of points.

    Also, how many paths can you max out in one playthrough? One or two?

    Thanks for any advice I get!

    submitted by /u/OmegaMetroid93
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    I'm mad at myself being an obsessive completionist (switch version)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

    I'm pretty sure im like the 79th guy to ask and I know a lot of people are just gonna tell me to search more but i've not found definitive answers for those topics, please answer me cause i love this game so much and I want a full and complete 100% even if i need to spend 300 more hours into the game :

    0 Just a little summary of my questions can i just get teh 100% like every little things you can acquire, upgrade, open etc and i mean ALL OF IT, can you do all that in part 3 or is there things you can "miss" like literally anything ?

    1 Can you get a complete bestiary from the post-game only or do you have to kill some monsters exclusively during a precise part of the game ?

    2 Are all treasures chests obtainable in post-game ?

    3 What are the items you can ONLY obtain through the casino ? (if I can acquire them by killing monsters or forging stuff i will cause i don't really like the casino)

    4 I've completed all the side quests except for the chronomis ones (and i know that the ones i haven't copleted need me to get the lasts pastwords from part 3) but still, just for the sake of it, do you need to do them before going to post-game ?

    5 In the switch versions there is no trophy but there are those titles that pop off when you accomplish certain tasks can you also obtain them all in post-game ?

    6 Can you obtain all the items in post-game which means regulars items, important items and all the equipments ?

    7 Can you forge all the forgeable items (also getting all the recipe) and upgrade to +3 on every equipments possible (cause i know some of them are not upgradable) in post-game ?

    I think that's it but if i missed a point you can tell me.

    submitted by /u/Midoryia-Gatan
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    Nobody else creeped out about the short song played when a villager tells a white lie on Dragon Quest XI

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:58 AM PST

    So I started a new play though of this wonderful game and one of the draconian quest settings I gave on allows NPCs to tell you little white lies. Which is all great in my opinion, but the sound they play when they reveal they've lied is just beyond nightmarish to me, anyone else feel the same way? XD

    submitted by /u/LHPersona
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    Dragon Quest is wild

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Dragon Quest XI is my first Dragon Quest game ever. I got it on switch so I would use it more cause this game has been on my steam wishlist for a while. Just when I thought the game wasn't that weird I ran into a walking cucumber. It was wielding a spear. If I'm going to run into more crazy monsters I am very excited.

    submitted by /u/blakeusx2
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    Started dq3 android version and wanted some advice.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:44 AM PST

    Like what jobs would be the best and what stuff can i easily miss on etc.

    submitted by /u/rajmeet991
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    I spent 2 and a half hours in the Casino in DQ11S and only made enough for the cheapest prize.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:46 AM PST

    God I'm bad at gambling. XD

    Also this is my first DQ game, absolutely loving it!

    submitted by /u/HelloMagikarphowRyou
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    The rhyming inhabitants of THAT town (location spoilers)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    A translator took the time to do this for all of the inhabitants of Nautica...They didn't have to go so hard but they did so without a fuss. They put their best foot forward; they really did that for us

    submitted by /u/mujiha
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    hardest, most groundbreakingly saddest decision ive ever have to make T.T it was hard to make this decision. It was inevitable... It was hard to let go of all those memories..Sniff sniff..Welp, new life, new beginning. Wish me luck ya'll....

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Should I invest Skill pionts into serena's Harpistry skill tree?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:59 PM PST

    Shes lvl 40 and I just barely reached sniflehiem. Thinking maybe she might useful with these skills but havent seent any harp gear yet I dont think.

    submitted by /u/mrjovoni
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    Should I buy DQ builders 2 or DQ 11?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:57 PM PST

    I just have money for one of them and idk which one should I get

    submitted by /u/urquijua
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