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    Sunday, January 12, 2020

    Dragon Quest Hmph* - Art by 吉村

    Dragon Quest Hmph* - Art by 吉村

    Hmph* - Art by 吉村

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:03 AM PST

    Just a meme I made when Erik actually said that line in my ongoing Harder Monsters run.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    I found this doodle I did of the XI cast from a few months ago

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:53 AM PST


    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Dragon Quest III Switch bounce spell

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:34 AM PST

    I would like to change classes for my mage but read that I should wait until I learn the bounce spell first at level 24 first. I am at level 28 and still do not have it, can the mage get that spell in the switch version?

    submitted by /u/winkinator
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    DQIII fan translation VS. official translation

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I haven't played DQIII since the gameboy color version but i really want to play it again. i have the switch version but i'd rather play the SFC version since it's the definitive version with battle animations and music, etc.

    is there a noticeable difference in quality playing fan translated DQIII SFC against the official latest switch release?

    submitted by /u/y2kbsm
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    [Act 2 Spoilers?] Sooo, I've taken a liking to making incorrect quotes on Tumblr. Here's one I did for Dragon Quest 11.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Dragonquest XI S after Act 3. Spoilers Obviously.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:54 AM PST

    So... what do you do after beating Calasmos?

    submitted by /u/TigerWolf1
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    If Serenica was a combination of the first part of Serena and the last part of Veronica, that means that somewhere down the bloodline there would be a Veronerena.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Spent HOURS on the poker earning 100k, got this within 5 minutes of slots, assuming this isn't normal RNG haha

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Looking for DQ XI PS4 Game Save (USA Region)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Hello fellow DQ fans! Wondering if anyone would sell me their PS4 DQXI game save(s)? I'm preferably looking for a save file with everything complete and pretty much a "perfect file." I don't need max stats, would actually rather base stats at level 99. Would be nice if the Luminary is named "Eleven," "Hero" or "Luminary." Maybe with Harder Monsters/Less Experience/No Fleeing activated, but flexible on all this.

    Basically, I played this game to death on the Switch, but also own the PS4 version and wanna experience the prettiest version of the game (I have a PS4 Pro). Would be even better if someone had some saves I could use to get the trophies, but I guess I can do that on my own. I just don't have time to do everything again.

    Please message me if you're up for helping a fellow DQ fan. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JohnJohn584
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    Is there any way of playing DQ8 with no voices that isn't the mobile version?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST

    Hey everyone! So, I've just finished playing through my first Dragon Quest game recently with XI S on the Switch and I absolutely loved it, and now I want to play the previous games to catch up on the series.

    But I played XI with voice acting turned off since I prefer it that way and now I want to play VIII next, but I saw that it has voices on the PS2/3DS versions and I'm not sure if you can disable them or not, and I don't think I would enjoy playing this on a phone, so I figured I might as well try and look for a way to play it the way I want.

    submitted by /u/V-01
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    DQ 11 - Does every +5, +10, +15 panel increase damage or what ever by that amount on my Greatsword?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:20 AM PST

    I guess it's a stupid question, but i was just wondering if it's the exact number, or only the difference. Meaning i dont actually get the number but only 5 every time? Some RPGs are strange like that.

    Speaking of which. I'm using great swords with the hero. Should i go straight for unbridled blade or get those great sword damage stats instead?

    submitted by /u/rizefall
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    Krystalinda [SPOILER]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Damn, she's kinda hot. She warms me up in that cold snowstorm.

    submitted by /u/DeezNutshell
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    Gonna play DQ2, what's the best version and why?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Do you think this good idea?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:15 AM PST

    I'm planning to play The PC version of DQ11 now and after 1 year I would play the switch version with stronger monster.

    submitted by /u/llaa1212
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    Dedicated follower of fashion help

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:52 AM PST

    I've got most of the trophies for dq 11 bit this one. I went to get the travelers hood from the cabinet in the church in Gallopolis but it wasn't there. I looked in my inventory and it wasn't there either. And I can't find it in the hats section of the item info.

    Am I missing something here? If I sold it does it effect the trophy and is there another way of getting it?

    Thank you to anyone who replies!

    submitted by /u/TheOzanator
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    Hey guys, just wanted to ask, does anyone have a HD version of this pic? The switch snapshot destroyed the original quality ;;

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:44 PM PST

    There is no reward from finishing draconian quests. I just found out after doing all of them at once for my very first playthrough.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:03 AM PST

    First I will say that I went into this game completely blind. The only other dragon quest game I've played was V for the DS. I dived right in with only the knowledge that I would encounter some of the usual JRPG tropes (Doomed Hometown, Collecting X number of plot coupons, A legendary sword, etc.) and the famous Toriyama artstyle.

    When I first tried out the demo and was presented with the draconian quest options at the start I just knew I had to enable them all. Sure, it was a struggle, and I died to the very first archers I encountered, but after pushing through I was rewarded with an experience that convinced me to buy the full game.

    When I saw that the draconian quest completion status was tracked on the file select screen and that there was an in-game option to claim special rewards, I was convinced that the draconian quests would reward me with something for completing them. I was expecting something like new outfits. So Imagine my surprise when all I get is a "congratulations" after the credits and a star on my file.

    Yes, I'm a bit salty, but I have to admit that the draconians helped stretch out the experience quite a bit, so I definitely did get more playtime and enjoyment from this game than most others I've played, and I definitely got my money's worth.

    Yes, I'm going to try doing the postgame with all draconians, but only because I want to see if I can.

    P.S. Shypox is the worst. It has caused more deaths than all other draconians combined. Its only somewhat redeeming quality is the sometimes humorous text that appears in battle.

    submitted by /u/FactsTriggerMe
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    Dragon Quest D&D: Part 2

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Well due to the unexpectedly warm reception for my last post and some requests for more information I decided to oblige. While I am uncomfortable providing any links to my works I will give you all a rough idea of the plot I created as well as some other teasers.

    The world of Drakinos is a world healing from great disaster. Roughly 1000 years ago from the campaign's present a gigantic struggle broke out which has come to be known as The Void Wars. All across Drakinos, battles were being fought against invaders from another dimension of pure darkness. These dark forces sought to assimilate Drakinos and conquer it for their own. During this conflict several key battles were fought and villains vanquished (aka the general plots/villains of the games I mentioned in the previous post) and ultimately the invaders were pushed back and peace was restored throughout the land...or so everyone believed.

    As the centuries moved on, the world of Drakinos evolved. Mysterious new half-mortal/half-monster races have surfaced, the Monster Scout profession has become a global sporting event of high esteem, and the political landscape of many nations changed dramatically. The Northeastern Kingdom of Trodain remains one of the few traditional monarchies left in Drakinos as the cold Orkutskan Democracy, the religious Ascanthan Theocracy, and the lawless Baccarathian Plutocracy all have begun to leave impressions on the rest of Drakinos for better or worse. The Green Bays Archipelago to the Southeast remains largely as a multi-island preserve helmed by the reformed CELL task force and the International Scouting Organization. The Northwestern Kingdom of Arba remains unified and strong after nearly falling during The Void Wars, and the continent of Accordia to the Southwest stands as a beacon of unified nations of mortals and Monsterkind. Through all of these changes, revolutions, and turf wars much of the history and stories of The Void Wars were lost and forgotten, but now a new crisis has risen...

    Unbeknownst to the world at large, doorways to other worlds have begun to manifest allowing not just old foes from the Void Wars to return once more, but brand new enemies from origins unknown to turn their attentions upon Drakinos. Even those aware of the problem have no idea why this is happening, but one thing is clear. If Drakinos becomes the battleground for a war not just between light and dark, but across the entire multiverse...everything will end. One advanced and mysterious organization stands ready to fight back and contain this chaos, but an assorted group of ragtag characters they have been watching for some time may possess the true key of ending this madness once and for all.

    This is a general synopsis of the events of my campaign. The detailed lore is loaded with references to characters and events from the 4 base games of inspiration and beyond and is constantly growing. While I make no claims of being an expert in Dragon Quest history, I sought to make this campaign to be a loving fusion of the vibrant Dragon Quest culture, aesthetics, and tone of the series with the gameplay, strategy, and playstyle of Dungeons and Dragons. While ultimately what I have done with the imported elements from Dragon Quest and how I modified them to fit my original narrative is my own work, I wanted to preserve as much of the core identity of the Dragon Quest games within it as possible. My campaign has only just completed the first chapter and already it's a blast (especially for me because i'm the only Dragon Quest fan in the group and i'm the DM so I get to watch my parties reactions as I constantly throw weird stuff at them lol). I might post more material as it becomes declassified in the future and maybe i'll even regularly update with my party's exploits, but for now I just hope to keep having fun. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Until next time!

    submitted by /u/WildheartFreeborn94
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    Maybe a controversial opinion about DQ11, but I find both camera styles absolutely awful.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:49 PM PST

    The default camera style is bearable, but still bad. It would be far improved if it had a zoom button to bring it in a bit closer and It always feels weird standing in front of you teammates just to get a decent camera angle.

    Classic is literally unbearable. The camera does a hard cut on every single action anybody takes. Its borderline nauseating. Not to mention its zoomed in way too close at times and even at the wrong angle cutting off the actual attack and just staring at the players back (flame slash is a big one that does this a lot). It feels like the cpu randomly picks the camera angles rather than a person having manually designed this camera system for each attack individually.

    Theres so much work put into this game, almost 100 hour fully voice acted main story if you count the post game (which I do), just wish some more work was done on a proper traditional camera angle than the half baked one they have here.

    Edit: I should say, there is one actually genuinely passable camera angle, its the free form camera angle with only the 3rd player in the party set to follow orders, which I do a lot to farm crafting materials with Erik.

    submitted by /u/Hemmer83
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    My kid accidentally dropped staff of rain (dragon quest 1 Nintendo switch), was wondering how he could get it back.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Should I use great swords or normal swords for the protagonist

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Currently at the part where I'm in gallopolis

    submitted by /u/Hippopotamus_
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    Just beat dragon quest 11 s

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:58 PM PST

    I really loved how it tied into the previous games the ending was so satisfying now im gonna patiently wait for Dragon Quest 12 lol

    submitted by /u/petee1991
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