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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Dragon Quest I Can’t believe I finally found A physical copy Of DQ5 even if it was really expensive probably the biggest price I’ve payed for an old game but it was well worth it

    Dragon Quest I Can’t believe I finally found A physical copy Of DQ5 even if it was really expensive probably the biggest price I’ve payed for an old game but it was well worth it

    I Can’t believe I finally found A physical copy Of DQ5 even if it was really expensive probably the biggest price I’ve payed for an old game but it was well worth it

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:13 AM PST

    Heres a meme thats been appearing in my sleep

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:53 PM PST

    Tactical RPG Dragon Quest Tact announced for iOS, Android

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:07 AM PST

    Did Android release of DQ3 change the personality test?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    I'm trying to get the Clown/Silly personality, and followed a guide for it, but ended up with Wit/Smart? Which according to the guide shouldn't even be possible from the Queen's Treachery scenario? Does anyone know what the cause for that might be or have a more updated chart?

    submitted by /u/ChubanSandwich
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    i made this emote with a trash Meme App(You can use it on your discord server)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Are the past Dragon Quest games (1-10) similar to 11 ?? If so , why did it take 11 to make the series increase in popularity in the US?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:34 PM PST

    I'm a new fan

    submitted by /u/NoelKreiss132
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    Anyone else avoid cute monsters in DQ11?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:40 PM PST

    I'm mainly talking about small animal type monsters like the Sabre Cub variants (meowr!) or the Hatwitch variants. I'll kill at least one for the bestiary entry but other than that I try not to touch them. I was just curious to see if anyone felt similarly.

    submitted by /u/OctoSevenTwo
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    Which version of the Erdrick Trilogy should I play

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I was originally going to make a post praising DQ 11 but I figure there is enough of those posts. I'm just gonna ask the important question. Which version of the original Dragon Quest Trilogy should I play. I figured it would be the ones on the Switch but I heard super negative things about it regarding quality of textures but I have also heard positive things about the switch version so it's confusing. If it's a big deal then I might just emulate Gameboy color versions. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/RinneNomad
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    Dragon Quest 1 ending question

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    So I just beat my first Dragon Quest (1) game on the Switch and loved it. My only concern is, after I went back to the castle and viewed the credits, the game showed the title screen again and when I wanted to check my save file I saw that it didn't save after I had already beaten the Dragonlord? Is it normal that it just showed me the file I last saved? I have kind of a feeling that I actually didn't beat the game lol

    submitted by /u/Dillenn
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    *minor spoilers* I hate to be negative but wow is the 8 post game dungeon terrible...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:54 PM PST

    So I've been on a dragon quest kick and decided to beat them for closure. I've been playing 9 since like when i was 12 and could never beat King Gitt. So I went through and beat 5 9 and 8 so far. I love 8, a little overrated I must admit but it was still great. But then i get to memories lane and i cant understand how such a great game has such overwhelmingly bad game design in this dungeon. I mean, its all luck and almost nothing else. Yes theres a bit of strategy in equipment like fighting the Ruin and Marcello but critting every other turn is just not fair and isnt fun to fight against and takes away the whole strategy of your equipment. Rng. Just go into the battle and hope you get a good pattern or they miss. Maybe. I do the same exact thing every time, timbrels, acceleratle, attack, heal and the only factor in me winning is the boss getting un/lucky. And they put the best grinding spot after the second to last boss. Granted i beat 2nd Dhoulmagus at lv 80 and in 3 tries woot but damn going through that long hallway over and over again just to be lucked out first turn countless times is just bad. Shame too, a stronger boss gauntlet is kickass. Phew, just needed to rant about that to get it off my chest. 8 is still great. Literally only memories lane and the graphics change is the only thing i dont like about the 3ds version over the ps2. I prefer the cel shaded more but thats a nitpick. The speed up, tying up loose ends in the story, being able to marry the best dq waifu (Jessica) and overall qol changes are amazing, I just think memories lane should have been way less frustrating and just better overall. I didn't feel satisfied, just glad it was over and I don't even plan on rematching Estark. Well, time to decide to do 4 or 11 next.

    submitted by /u/The_jishjash
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    DQ11: Does the Slime Quest game have an earnings cap?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:12 AM PST

    I've just kind of been sitting here in the Octogonia Casino for awhile and letting the slot machine autoplay and so far I've earned 8,095 tokens and counting this session.

    Does it ever stop you and automatically kick you out or do you need to manually quit? Part of me just kinda wants to let it keep going and see how much I can earn.

    Edit: And apparently "Slime Time" isn't the normal mode??? I've spent nearly this whole time on "Slime Time."

    submitted by /u/OctoSevenTwo
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    Having trouble getting into DQ3

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    I'm coming off of having beaten 1 and 2 recently, which I found enjoyable, but 3 is just... something about it feels not as fun as the first two. Maybe I just need to give it more time, but it feels like it's gonna be a slog. Maybe I need to play something that isn't an RPG for awhile, or at least a different style of RPG. Anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/triforc3-mast3r
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    Playing through DQ for the first time, my thoughts on Dragon Quest 2!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Apologies in advance for any spelling formatting errors, I'm writing this on mobile from vacation.

    Last week I posted my thoughts on DQ1 having never played a DQ before, you can see that here (https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonquest/comments/ev1vvf/never_played_dragon_quest_before_and_just_smashed).

    The tl;dr is that I love JRPGs, but somehow never got around to DQ until now.

    I just finished DQ2 and I have to say that I am still incredibly impressed with the game it was for the era. The addition of party mechanics worked very smoothly, and I was impressed by the intuitive auto targeting of groups (don't know if that's new to the remakes).

    I was glad to see a little more story (an actual CUTSCENE) at the start, but it quickly became more of the same. That is not a complaint, as I really enjoyed DQ1's indirect storytelling, but I do agree with some people who said the larger world.of DQ2 hurts it in this regard. I especially after the Prince if Cannock falls ill, someone says "The leaves of Yggdrasil can help him, it's on an island east of here!" Bro. We're on the west edge of the map. You're gonna need to help me out here.

    I found myself going to guides and FAQs far more often in this game, ESPECIALLY in the Cave to Rendarak, but even when trying to piece together all of the clues and item dependencies around the world. This game definitely suffered from Nintendo Hard more than its predecessor in that regard. I would have torn my hair out without a map of that final cave.

    It was interesting to see the three heroes fall into their roles. Obviously Tank/Skirmisher/Mage is nothing new, but seeing what was obviously a nascent trope emerge is interesting from a historical perspective.

    I think overall I enjoyed DQ1 more because its concept was more focused and distilled, but I totally believe DQ2 will be a necessary step for improvement and evolution of the franchise. I had a blast with the game, and it kept me company during some long drives on my vacation. I already have DQ3 downloaded! I've heard it's a lot of people's favorite, so I'm looking forward to it.

    submitted by /u/ChubanSandwich
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    Just started playing my first dragon quest game today, two questions

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:58 PM PST

    Hi guys. I've only made one other post on here before which was about a week ago asking what is a good Dragon Quest game to start since ive never played one and would have to be on the PS4. I kept hearing only good reviews about it and how it's what Pokemon graphics were supposed to be, etc basically blowing other similar RPGs out of the water. I got really curious about the series so I asked which to start with and all of yall said XI

    So XI just arrived and I began playing today. As someone who's into really traditional RPGs like Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Super Mario RPG, and Final Fantasy (10 and below) I thought real turn based core fantasy RPGs had been phased out, boy was I wrong. This is like everything I've ever wanted and the game is so freaking beautiful. Literally so stunned that these games were around while I was busy with other watered down RPGs that I thought were as close to traditional as it would get. Even the midi sound when you win a battle in this game makes me smile. So glad I gave it a shot!

    Anyways, sorry for the long prelude. I'm like level 6 now (just got to the thrown in jail part) my first question is, how do I manually save the game? Second question is, I see ive gained P (or SP? per say?) what section of the skill tree should I branch into? I haven't done anything with it yet for fear of messing up. I like DPS and big numbers so what would be the path for that if that's possible? Thankies~

    submitted by /u/Tesvey
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    I have a few questions about Dragon Quest XI S.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Been playing the rather lengthily demo, and I've got a few questions.

    1. I just got Veronica and Serena. How close am I to the end of the demo?

    2. Why is it that sometimes I can surprise attack enemies... but sometimes it just doesn't let me swing my sword even though I'm right next to them?

    3. How exactly does turn order work (playing in classic style combat mode, if it matters)? I've had situations where one of my characters is able to attack twice in a row and that seems a bit odd to me...

    submitted by /u/RebellionWarrior
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    I am here to ask one question:

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Which Dragon Quest games have had a full 3D remake from the original 2D sprites form? I know DQ VII had a full 3D remake on the Nintendo DS. Are there any more before DQ VII? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Dirty_Fanta
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    I have *one* more Dragon Quest 3 question.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    I think this is the last question I'll need to ask about that game. Once Baramos is in my rear-view mirror, I know where to go and what to do.

    With that said, a long time ago, I played through Dragon Warrior 3 with just the Hero on the NES. I learned that some of those bosses have a damage absorption thing going for them. I don't know all the specifics of it, but it seemed to me like if you didn't do X amount of damage, the boss in question would not take damage.

    Does that same thing apply to the Switch version? I recently made it to Baramos and he outlasted me. I want to say the fight lasted about 18-20 minutes. I'm going to grind a bunch and then, I'm going to take as many prayer rings with me as I can.

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    DQXI-PC Avoiding Item Dupe

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

    So from searching I've found quite a few posts about how to make use of the Arboria item dupe glitch, but none about how to avoid it - I don't want to have multiples of normally unique items.

    The trigger point seems to be talking to the elder when you have the 6 orbs towards the end of Act 1. If I strip everyone's inventory before that and then re-equip them immediately afterwards would that mean they'd come back in Act 3 with an empty inventory, or do I need to go through further into the story before it's safe?

    submitted by /u/Zakrael
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    (Help) Can't Forge 2nd Sword of Light in DQXIS

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:17 PM PST

    I'm trying to forge the Supreme Sword of Light in Dragon Quest XI S, and I have the Crucible Key, Forging Hammer, and an Orichalcum, but when I go to the Crucible, it still tells me that I don't have everything I need. Help?

    submitted by /u/ristar
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