• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 11, 2020

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest IX was released in the US 10 years ago today! And I’m still not bored of it.

    Dragon Quest Dragon Quest IX was released in the US 10 years ago today! And I’m still not bored of it.

    Dragon Quest IX was released in the US 10 years ago today! And I’m still not bored of it.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Just finished I after XI. This ist What my next few months Look Like ;)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I finally finished XI and it was supremely gratifying. (SPOILERS WITHIN)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    So several months ago I made this thread:


    Act 3 left a pretty bad taste in my mouth after spending 80 incredible hours on the first two. I loved going back and stopping Mordegon, but after that I felt directionless. I was level 52. The trials were kicking my ass. Bathysfear wiped me with no problem, and all of the awesome character development was erased. After blazing through VIII and XI back-to-back I felt burnt-out by this wall I smacked into, and I did NOT want to grind just to get through it (I never felt the need to grind before this point)

    So I dropped the game and figured I would never finish act 3. I loved the first two and felt very satisfied with the ending anyway.

    Last week, in my quarantine boredom I picked the game up again. Instead of ramming my head against Bathysfear I Zoomed over to Cobblestone and decided to try the rebuilding quest. I was pleased to see that I could ACTUALLY overcome this challenge without needing to grind up. Suddenly I was gaining levels and buying/forging new gear. Before long I was able to crush Bathysfear and use the conch to wipe up the other sidequests.

    Soon the trials and the Wheel of Harma were nothing to me (beat the second trial in like 15 turns).

    A few metal slimes later, and I was able to take out Calasmos with only Erik going down. At level 99 with the gear I had he actually felt a little too easy to beat.

    I really enjoyed my time this week with act three and I loved the way everything wrapped up. Glad I decided to finish!

    submitted by /u/TD1215
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    Odds of a DQ9 remake?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    In your expert(?) opinions, what is the likelihood of 9 getting a remake? I'm new-ish to the series and have spent the last year playing. I've beaten 1-7 and just started 8. If 9 is likely to get a remake, I may delay playing the DS version and opt for the newer one, but it seems like the developers are being cagey on releasing a firm commitment one way or the other. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/victrin
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    How is Dragon Quest XI in 2d for a newcomer?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    Lately I have been more and more into jRPG's, and I wanted to finally try Dragon Quest game. Since I have Switch, I thought of getting it there, but I don't really like the 3d graphic of this game... Don't get me wrong, it looks nice, I just don't like the Dragon-ball-anime style.

    On the contrary, 2d more looks AMAZING to me, but I have also found information that it is different sometimes. It is usually mentioned as a great opportunity to do a 2nd playthrough, but would that work for a 1st playthrough, for a total newcomer to Dragon Quest? Thank you! :)

    submitted by /u/skend24
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    Dragon Quest VIII "Overture" Electone performance |826aska

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Should I play XI on the switch rather then the ps4?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Doing some research I found that there are some differences between the two games. I already have the game on ps4 (haven't touched it yet as I'm playing through 1-3 first) but if the changes are significant enough I don't mind re purchasing it to play on the switch. I saw there was some added content as well but I would think they'd have added that to the ps4 version as well in the form of dlc or something?

    submitted by /u/Zenjion
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    Opinions on DQVI? (No spoilers please im about to play through it)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Dragon Quest IX was supposed to be the hardest in the series, really?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    REVIEW | Dragon Quest V (DS)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    We really need to get these Dragon Quest games in western countries!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I’m thinking of getting the XI S, but I’m worried about saving.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    So I'm thinking of getting XI S definitive edition on switch, but I heard that you have to go to a church to save. Are the churches abundant and how long is there between saves?

    submitted by /u/Nitroade24h
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    Fake DQ5 DS Check

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    Fake DQ5 DS Check

    Hi All,

    I recently found a copy of Dragon Quest V on the DS for a good price and am worried that it's fake.

    I purchased it from Ebay ( https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dragon-Quest-V-The-Hand-of-the-Heavenly-Bride-NEW-SEALED/293638793045?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 ) and then started to get worried when I saw that it was a new account with no feedback ratings and another account with the same pictures. (Sorry for the long link)

    The game has arrived today and there were a couple of things that were red flags to me.

    1. The first was that it didn't have the nintendo seal around it (Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of this), but as this was a russian copy of the game I wasn't sure if that was to be expected. In the UK is says Nintendo on the seal, the only time this hasn't been the case for me was with Shantae and the Pirates Curse on 3DS when it was just a blank seal. Could this be something similar to that?
    2. The second is the quality of the text on the cartridge, the subtitle "The Hand of the Heavenly Bride" is unreadable, I don't know if this is the case for all cartidges or not. But on other games, like 9 I can clearly read " Sentinels of the Starry Skies". (I rarely post on Reddit so I've just attached the photo using the attach photo option)
    3. The game gives me the option to continue on the main screen, but there are no save files. I'm assuming this is just a quirk of the game, as a fake would just be using the same ROM file as the proper one.

    There are also a few things that match up like they should, or are as expected.

    1. The code in the middle "YV5P" matches with the code on the back cover.
    2. The case feels like a legitimate Nintendo case.
    3. The Nintendo Seal of Quality on the back is metallic.
    4. If you were going to fake a game that can sell for a lot of money when sealed, why would you fake it with russian box art and manual?

    I'm hoping that you guys can help to alleviate my fears, I think it's probably legit. But if anybody who owns a 100% legit copy (or knows about the seal on Russian versions of DS games) can confirm my doubts then that would be great.


    submitted by /u/RagingBlastoise
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    I'm back with some DQXI footage on the 3DS! Spoiler warning for the end of the First Act. What should I record next?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    DQMJ3 - Synthesis List

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey everyone I started to play DQMJ3 and I can't fin any ressources for the game. I'm looking for some sort of complete list of fusion. Any idea ?

    submitted by /u/iprefershade
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    Is there a dragon quest game with a quest log?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Im very new to dragon quest, dragon quest 11 is my first one ever and im in love with the game. Is there another game that has the quest log? Im asking this because im playing dragon quest 8 and i dont think it has one so im constantly getting lost and confused on what to do next.

    submitted by /u/Josemine123
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    Dragon Quest II - The Destruction of Moonbrooke & Intro (All Versions)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    My honest review after finishing DQ7. (A low point for the series for me unfortunately)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I finally finished DQ7 last night (haven't started post-game yet), but wanted to put down my thoughts and do a review. I put in 85 hours into the game and played it over 10 months. It was a struggle at times to finish it which is why it took so long for me. I would often feel burn out and would take long breaks to play other games instead.

    I am a huge fan of the DQ series and have played the following DQ games and I have loved almost all of them.

    DQ 4 - 50 hours - 10/10

    DQ 5 - 60 hours - 9/10

    DQ 6 - 70 hours - 6/10

    DQ 11 - 250(!) hours - 11/10 top 3 game of all time.

    I have also watched my brother play DQ8 when I was younger which I loved.

    With that said, after finishing it, DQ7 was a really hard game for me to love and it's all due to one terrible fault - it's incredibly tedious for a large portion of its gameplay.

    Let's get some of the positives first, and there are lots.

    The 3DS Graphics are great especially with how much they improved over the PS version. Characters are charming with all the party members being memorable (Maribel being such a tsundere was hilarious and memorable and Ruff was so fun).

    Sound and music are a particular highlight, maintaining what you expect from a DQ game with some tracks such as the overworld theme being joyful highlights.

    While I prefer the fixed character systems of DQ4, 8 and 11, the job system in 7 improved over 6.

    Story wise is where it starts getting divisive for me. I actually loved the endgame when it finally came together and you have to face the end boss. Throughout most of the game though. Stories are told in vignettes, so a lot of it seems so disconnected. And the game is soooo long that you eventually forget who a lot of the characters you meet earlier were. And there were so many of them that they eventually get lost in the shuffle. I honestly had to consult a guide to figure out which town is which. Compared this to the tight beautiful world of DQ11.

    And this then connects to the gameplay. With no central narrative driving the game, gameplay starts to feel longer than what it is. As I said, I put in 85 hours but I honestly felt I put in twice that.

    And there are some gameplay choices that added to the tediousness. The most terrible of which were there are a lot of required backtracking for fetch quests with no easy way to fast travel. For a lot of DQ games, zoom allows you to easily go from one place to another. But for some reason, DQ7 decides that zoom doesn't work when you are in the past. So you have to do a lot of fetch quest where you travel through one dungeon go back to town then travel back again to the same dungeon then back to the town again. I feel this happened a lot and it seriously hampered my enjoyment as I feel the game wasn't respecting my time.

    It's a shame as there a lot of aspects to the game I enjoyed. If the overworld and it's story was scripted tighter and the gameplay less tedious, this would have been a fantastic game. It has a lot of great qualities hampered by a big fault.

    I would have to rate this game a 6/10 similar to DQ6 which had the opposite problem of more broken mechanics but has shorter gameplay. It still is a DQ game that long time fans need to experience but I wouldn't recommend it to newcomers to the series.

    I'm still deciding if I want to do the postgame. What do you guys think? Or should I move on to DQ8 and 9 instead.

    submitted by /u/oliver_GD
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    Almost done with Act 2, Beastiary question

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Almost done with Act 2, and the only things left in the bestiary are rarefied enemies: Leviathing, Brodysseus, and Clockwrym. Should I wait until post game to hint these monsters down?

    submitted by /u/Smashingxan
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