• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Dragon Quest I swear to you, every time!

    Dragon Quest I swear to you, every time!

    I swear to you, every time!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Should've Got Life Alert

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    I've been trying to get a roulette jackpot for two days now.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    I decided to do all the side quests. Been enjoying that. Then I got to the one about getting a roulette jackpot.

    I put on a podcast and just go through wheel spins because eventually I'll hit one, but the last ~5 hours of gameplay has just been me placing bets across all rows and getting my money back. Except when it hits treasure chest. Which has happened a lot. A few thousand tokens worth.

    This quest absolutely blows and I'm positive the reward won't be worth it. But I just want to do it. Ugh.

    Is there anyway to like substantially increase my chances of winning or is it just chance?

    submitted by /u/MoosePotato666
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    [Dragon Quest XI] No slacking!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST

    One of the battle tracks in Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a remix of the Dragon Quest V battle theme!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:39 PM PST

    Electro Lite Act 1

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:10 PM PST

    Hello, I'll make this quick: replaying game, trying "harder enemies." Blown through the game until I got everyone. I'm now collecting the things to do the thing so the thing can happen and Act 2 starts. You know, the thing lol

    Anyway, I have Electro Lite prepped. I know EL grinding isn't really a thing in act 1 but hey, might as well kill a liquid metal slime or two if I can. Where is the best place to do this?

    Also, I don't quite understand the finer intracacies of EL. Like, at all. Is there a good breakdown on the specifics of the move?

    As always, you guys are awesome and thank you.

    submitted by /u/TippsAttack
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    Any other really good Dragon Quest games that arent V, VIII, XI?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:26 PM PST

    Ive played Dragon Quest V, VIII, XI that thought they were really good. Are there any other dragon quest games that compare in terms of the quality of the story and gameplay?

    submitted by /u/lokuGT
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    Just finished Dragon Quest III for the millionth time, the more I replay this jawn the more I thoroughly enjoy it.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

    (SPOILERS) Struggling with a certain post-game fight.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:21 PM PST

    How tf do you beat Hall of Remembrance level 3 with STRONGER MONSTERS on? My main party (MC, Serena, Veronica and Eight) is lvl. 99, equipped with the best, fully upgraded equipment and Catholicon Rings+3 but somehow I keep getting totally destroyed by status ailments. Whenever I try to use any status ailment-preventing ability/buff for Eight, the enemy uses Disruptive Wave, then mesmerizes and wipes everybody. I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me.

    submitted by /u/wraithff
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    Dragon Quest on PS5!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    [Spoilers] Timeline Theory

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Hi there folks! I know it's a recurring thing in the fandom, questions about a general DQ timeline (à la Zelda), and I just wanted to offer my own interpretation of the DQ universe. Feel free to criticize, downvote, etc if you want. Or to offer your interpretation of the timeline, cause as long as Square Enix doesn't give us a definitive one, any timeline is legit I guess. :'D

    NOTE: I apologize in advance for any grammar errors, misspelling, etc. My French laziness got the better of me.

    NOTE 2: For my timeline interpretation, I will use every game available in English (so from I to XI, Monsters saga, Heroes and Builders) as well as some other sources, like mangas, such as Emblem of Roto and its sequel (but also the DQVII manga adaptation since the two EoR were translated and published in France and because DQVII manga is basically the sequel of the sequel), Dragon Quest Monsters +, and other sources like Seirei Rubiss Densetsu, Item Storybook and Monster Storybook.

    So, as far as I'm concerned, it goes roughly like this:

    • SRD > Item Story > DQXI ¤
      • (T1) DQM > DQVI > DQIV: LitD > DQIV > TnD > DQV ¤
      • (T2) YY > DQVIII > DQIII > EoR > HotC > DQ ¤ > DQII > DQB2 > DQM: CH > DQVII
        • (T2b) DQB
      • (T3) DQ: Abel Yushaa > DQ: The Quest of Daï

    ... Okay so first of I don't know if this is the best way to present it. To clarify, the '¤' symbol symbolizes timeline splits, either from time travel or because of an important choice left to the player. SRD stands for "Seirei Rubiss Densetsu", LitD stands for "Legend inf the Dark", a DQIV book telling the story of the guy who wore the Zenithian armor before the Hero of DQIV, TnD stands for the Torneko no Daibouken trilogy set after DQIV, YY stands for Young Yangus, the PS2 game which has Yangus as a protagonist, EoR stands for "Emblem of Roto" and HotC stands for "Heir of the Crest", its sequel.

    Now, I'm sure most of these games were already put in this order by everyone, especially the original trilogy + DQXI, the second trilogy + Torneko games, etc. So let me explain about the potential "oddities" for those who didn't feel like delving into the Japanese books and stuff.

    • Seirei Rubiss Densetsu

    Dragon Quest: Seirei Rubiss Densetsu (ドラゴンクエス:ト精霊ルビス伝説, Doragon kuesuto seirei rubisu densetsu, lit. DQ: Legend of Spirit Rubiss) is a 3 volumes novel/7 volume manga, published in the early 90s, which was officially announced by Horii/Enix as being the origin of Rubiss. These books were never stated as being non-canon so far, and are therefore integrated here.

    It tells the origin of Rubiss (full name Rubiss Apisto Callichthys, ルビス・アピスト・カリクティス in Japanese), how she became a goddess and the origin of the name Roto/Erdrick. The very first one to be called that was a half-spirit half-human hybrid and Rubiss' lover, who went originally by the name Dialto (full name Dialto Bacoba Corydoras, ディアルト・バコバ・コリドラス in Japanese). At the end of the story, the Spirit's world, which was floating between the human world and Heaven collapsed on Earth, causing most of the Spirits to die and made humans able to use magic. Dialto then told Rubiss his human name, which was Roto/Erdrick, making him the very first one to be named like that, making SRD the earliest chronological story so far. Oh, and Rubiss had a female golden pet dragon that could talk with her when she went to the humans' world, in the manga adaptation of the novel.

    Rubiss' early days are, so far and as far as I know, the earliest adventures we have in the DQ lore, hence their placement at the very beginning of this timeline.

    • Item Story

    Item Story (アイテム物語, Aitemu monogatari, lit. Item Story) is a collection of short stories revolving around famous items of the franchise and published in the late 80s.

    The story revolving around the Erdrick equipment, in particular, is interesting as it tells how Rubiss, now on Earth (and therefore taking place after SRD) created a continent, Mu. It then follows by explaining how the different gods behaved and how one of them, Gaia, either the god of smither or the smith god, gave the knowledge of how to temper orichalcum to the inhabitants of the Mu Empire, an empire that would last for 35,000 years.

    After a long period of time, the Empire eventually decided to use weapons made of orichalcum to kinda take over the world. Mithra, the supreme god was offended and decided to kinda sink the continent as a punishment.

    Rubiss, however, managed to convince him that not all inhabitant of Mu should be killed, and tasked the pious ones with creating three artifacts, an orichalcum sword, an armor made of blue metal, and a mithril shield.

    Thus, the three legendary items were forged for the first time. Mu was then sunk, while the pious ones were taken to a new place that Rubiss had just created: Alefgard.

    So, from SRD and Item Story to DQXI... My theory is that Rubiss simply "left" the "upper world" to take care of the "lower world" of Alefgard and its new people, the escapee of Mu, while her pet dragon simply became, over time, Yggdragon.

    Dialto, being only half-Spirit eventually died of old age or something like that, and Rubiss, initially, a fire spirit took on her husband's earth spirit powers and became an earth goddess, renaming the world in honor of her late beloved: Erdrea/Rotozetashia, before leaving it for some time.

    • Dragon Quest XI Era

    Yggdragon, now in charge of keeping the world safe fights off Calasmos but is defeated despite managing to repel the space demon for some time.

    From then several events happen, like the upcoming Monsters game, with kid Erik and Mia, then the one-shot manga about Erik, and finally the events of DQXI itself.

    This is where things get Ocarina of Time-esque. Eleven does time travel, and then Serenica does too, in the new, altered timeline.

    For me, just like for many others, this creates alternate timelines, instead of rewriting the previous ones. The original timeline, the one Eleven leaves, becomes the Zenith Timeline. This could work for many reasons imo: first of all, the fact that Rubiss kinda just disappear from the world. Dialto's lineage is just nowhere to be seen as Eleven, Erdwin's reincarnation has kinda left the chat. Erik would probably become Rek's ancestor or something.

    With no more of her husband's descendants around, she'd eventually fade away, has she'd have no-one to look after. She's a goddess and would retire in Heaven or something, only to be known as a mountain spirit in VI, and well as "the" goddess in IV and V.

    Second, this would also explain the scene when Eleven breaks the time orb. The Sword of Light breaks too, leaving only the tip behind. Methinks, the tip, which resembles the tip of the Zenith Sword/Sword of Ramias, would eventually be reforged to become the aforementioned Sword of Ramias.

    The new timeline, the one where Veronica is saved, would become the original trilogy. Yggdragon states that she may one day succumb to the darkness herself, showing us Dragon Quest.

    By that logic, it makes sense to me that she's referring to her bloodline rather than to her actual self. Anyway, here comes the numerous splits.

    • Original Timeline - Dragon Quest VI Era

    Set long after the events of the original timeline, where Veronica died and the Luminary left, this world has no more Erdrick. His bloodline is extinct. However, they still have the tip of the Sword of Light, and eventually reforged it to become the sword known as the Sword of Ramias.

    I suppose at some point Yggdrasil got better too. The tree was supposed to be dead and every leaf was meant to be a life, but since the party was still alive despite the tree being leafless, I'd wager to say that this was more legend than fact.

    At some point, I guess four heroes arose to fight some "evil from the dawn of time". These four heroes, Ramias, Sebath, Valora, and Orgo gave their names to the equipment they respectively used to fence this evil away and eventually perished too, becoming legends.

    Eventually, the events of DQ Monsters happened, and Terry and his sister were whisked away into another world. (DQM)

    After their adventure, Milly was eventually sold to the local King, and Terry, in order to save her, started a quest to gain more power. This may have lead him to return to the world he previously visited and experiment with dark fusions of monsters, slowly turning him into a more nuanced/evil person. (DQM+)

    Terry was eventually recruited by Dhuran, who saw his potential. Terry dropped the monster training for a sword and became rather good at swinging it around. He was eventually defeated by his younger self (DQM) and may have gotten into yet another world (DQH) before facing the Hero of DQVI and his friends. After his defeat, he finally reunited with his sister and with his newfound friends helped saving the world from Mortamor.

    After Mortamor's death, however, the tangible Dream World started to vanish to become nothing more than a dream once more. Zenithia managed to survive this, along with Ashlyn. An egg then hatched, granting the world a new protector.

    • Original Timeline - Dragon Quest IV Era

    Between the event of DQVI and IV, some things changed. First of all, Estark rose to power in Nadiria and eventually launched an assault against the human realm. The Zenith Dragon managed to stop him, causing Estark to fall into a centuries-long slumber.

    At some point in time, the legendary equipment was reforged, now called the Zenith equipment. While what happened to this set of armor and weapon throughout the centuries is unknown, it eventually resurfaced at some point. The local hero Bladud (リバスト, Ribasuto in Japanese) from the town of Bath managed to find at least one piece of the legendary equipment and used it to protect the aforementioned town. (DQIV - Legend in the Dark)

    Time passes and eventually a Zenithian woman fall from Zenith Castle, leading to the events of DQIV.

    After that, Torneko goes on adventuring, leading to the Mysterious Dungeons trilogy (Torneko no Daibouken, Torneko: The Last Hope, and Torneko no Daibouken 3)

    At some point during the events of DQIV, some members of the cast are taken to another world and fight off its evil. (DQH)

    The hero, be it a man or a woman eventually fell in love and has descendants. Time passes, and the events of DQV happens.

    From then on, I don't think any games has ever continued this timeline, which may even splits in three differents ways dependin on whom you decide to marry, not that it changes much.

    • Second Timeline - Dragon Quest VIII era

    Set long after the second timeline, where Veronica was saved, Yggdragon took on to the skies once more. At some point she birthed a new race, the Dragovian, before dying of old age or something.

    The Dragovian people were able to transform themselves into dragons while having most of the time a humanoid form. They continued to protect the planet, and helped the 7 wise men when Rapthorn attacked, but were nearly wiped out. As a result, they decided to seclud themselves from the world.

    I theorise that the Luminary, now reinstalled as king of Dundrasil, eventually carried on his lineage. Being a reincarnation of Erdwin, (which I believe to be a direct descendant of the original Erdrick (Dialto) too).

    The Luminary's legacy eventually became known as the Argonia Kingdom. His latest descendants, Eltrio, fell in love with a dragovian lady, Shia (iirc) and had a kid.

    Not long after that, the events of Young Yangus, Mystery Dungeon Mobile, and Dragon Quest VIII happened, leading to a new breed of human/dragovian hybrid, in the form of the Hero.

    Now, about why I place DQVIII between XI and III… It all falls down to one specific chapter of Heirs to the Emblem, the sequel of Emblem of Roto, which I talked about on Woodus.

    Hence, I'll copy/paste my message from this post:

    "In chapter 302 "Encounter with destiny", in order to bring a character back to life (I avoid names so as not to spoil too much, but I'm quite willing to give them out if asked), a couple will venture to heaven and discover what makes Erdrick's blood so special, the composition of the Hero's blood in short.

    It is possible that the description will change or be modified during the translation of this chapter into French. This is the link to the article that talks about the chapter in question.

    The blood of the Hero, therefore, would be a mixture of heavenly blood (天空人の血 " Tenkū hito no chi ") and the blood of the dragon god (竜神族の血 " ryūjin-zoku no chi ").

    Small etymological point necessary I think. 竜神族 is composed of three different characters:

    竜 = Ryu = Dragon

    神 = shin (or kami depending on the time) = God

    族 = zoku = tribe

    It is interesting to note that "ryujin-zoku" is only used precisely in Dragon Quest VIII, the humanoid creatures of Dragon Quest X being called "竜族", roughly meaning "tribe of the dragon", and not "tribe of the dragon god".

    The Heirs of the Emblem announces that the blood of Erdrick, the hero of Dragon Quest III has traces of Dragovian blood among other things. For this to be the case, Dragon Quest VIII must have happened before Dragon Quest III, which could be the beginning of a chronological placement trail, between XI and III."

    And here's the link to the website reviewing the aforementioned chapter: https://dq11.site/2018/12/12/「ドラゴンクエスト列伝-ロトの紋章~紋章を継ぐ/

    • Second Timeline - Dragon Quest III era

    At some point in time, during VIII and III, the Kingdom of Argonia, and many others, must have disapeared. The lineage of the Heo of VIII however, lives on in Ortega.

    Once the Lower World was finished and populated, Rubiss came back to the Upper World and was revered again as a Goddess. Whatever happened to the other gods is unokwn and never explored in any media. They might have died of old age, retire in another plan... Your guesses are as good as mine. Rubiss, however, remained.

    Unfortunately for her, Zoma appeared again (I'll come back to that later) and kinda stoned her. Alefgard was cut out from the rest of the Lower World, and Baramos sent in the Upper World, so still technically Erdrea, and set to conquer it for his master.

    The events of Dragon Quest III happens. Ortega starts his journey, then, ten years later, his son/daughter follows in his footsteps and save the world. Wether or not you consider the bonus dungeons (Zenith Castle and the Xenlon wishes to bring Ortega back to life) is up to you too I guess, as it doesn't change much of the story.

    • Second Timeline - Emblem of Roto era

    Emblem of Roto and is a manga supervised by Yuji Horii and published in the mid 90s. The story takes place a hundred years after the children of the Hero of DQIII, Carmen and Lauren created their own respective kingdoms, in the Upper World.

    A new threat emerges, when the followers of the God of Terror, attack the two kingdoms. Carmen falls, but the new heir of Erdrick, Arus, is saved. The heir of Erdrick born in Lauren castle however, is taken prisoner by the forces of evil, and is given a cursed names, Jagan.

    I won't go into details, cause the manga is 21 volumes long, but to sum up some of the important stuff lore-wise.... We learn in it that the Mu Empire was sunk roughfly 12.000 years prior to this era. The Forces of the God of Terror attacked the castle of the Dragon Queen soon after the events of DQIII, and seized her egg. Dragonlord is her son, and was taught to be "evil" by the followers of Malroth.

    In the end, the good guys win the day and peace is made throuhougt the globe. Then 20 years later, a new threat emerges, in Emblem of Roto - Heirs of the Emblem.

    Magic disapears one day, and the entire population of a kingdom with it. Only the youngest heir of Erdrick, Aros, was "saved" and taken care of by a band of bandit. For 5 years he lives as a criminal, having lost his memories of his past life as a prince. He is soon saved by two of his childhood friends, whose parents had helped Arus fight off the God of Terror 25 years ago.

    They then start their journey to understand what happened 5 years ago, where did Aros twin sister and all of their parents have disappeared to.

    Only 13 volumes of the 34 volumes-long manga have been published in France so far, but the lore is expanded once more in this serie. In the latest chapters, we are introduced to some characters that lived a long time ago. One of them being a seemingly human being named Zoma. A stern follower of Rubiss, with his friend (who might very well be an ancestor of the hero of DQIII) he eventually is corrupted by a dark orb and becomes the Zoma we see in DQIII.

    • Second Timeline - Dragon Quest and onward

    From then on it is pretty straight forward I believe. The events of Dragon Quest take place. At the end, the Hero can either join Dragonlord, leadind to a new branch in the timeline (Dragon Quest Builders) or fight him, leading to Dragon Quest II.

    Some time after the Scions of Erdrick have defeated the God of Destruction, Malroth, the events of Dragon Quest Builders 2 happen. Far later in the Lower World, the events of Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart happen. By the time these events happen, the bloodline of Erdrick is long gone. The kingdom of Cannock is still around, but the new king is unrelated to the Prince from DQII. The Castle of Moonbroke is still unhabited , saved from one of the four Spirit.

    Kiefer arrives at this time period, some centuries after the events of DQII. An old PNJ tells us that he heard the story of the Scions' battle against Malroth "from his grandfather, who heard it from his grandfathe".

    Kiefer eventually saves the day, and return home. Wether or not he forgot about this adventure is unknown, but it very well be why he was convinced there was more to see in the world than the tiny island he was the Prince of.

    • Second Timeline - Dragon Quest VII era

    Now for Dragon Quest VII, it is not just because of Caravan Heart that I put it at the end of this timeline, but also because of its manga adaptation. As said above, the DQVII manga takes place in the same "universe" as EoR and its sequel. The same creator and all three of them supervised by Horii.

    I will not teach you anything new when I say that DQVII revolves a lot around time and reincarnation. Aishe herself being a reincarnation of Kiefer. Well, in the 10th and 11th volumes of the manga adaptation of DQVII, Kiefer revisits some of his previous incarnation' memories, experiencing their lives, etc. This gives us a pretty darn cool origin for Grand Estard's castle and kingship's bloodline.

    Basically, the Prince of Midenhall, after the events of DQII, took a balloon to go and explore the Upper World, where his ancestor, Erdrick (DQIII), came from. What happens is that he gets stuck there, as a cataclysmic event changed the face of the world. Now it could be the battle between Numen and Orgodemir or something different, beats me. The Prince then gets old, and we see many of his son, grandsons, etc., until arriving to the current generation, with his latest descendant being the king and his son, Kiefer.

    Furthermore, whe we visit the library of the people that lived in the floating stuff (the descendants of thos who fought alongside the All-Mighty against Orgodemir), we can see books about the number of generation of people that lived there, and there is a total of 31 generations.

    Now, I know applicating real-life stuff to video games isn't necessirely the best thing to do, but irl,a generation = 25 years. If we apply this to DQVII, then we can guesstimate the time separating the battle between of God and Orgodemir as 775 years. And therefore, if we apply the same to Caravan Heart, we can guesstimate the time separating DQII to DQM3 as being around... at least 150 years (the old guy must have heard this story when his grandfather was still alive, and if a generation = 1 birth each 25 years, then his grandfather's grandfather = 6 births = 150 years. Probably. I chose literacy at school. :'D)

    And thus, as far as I'm concerned, ends the second timeline. I don't think we've had any game taking place after these events for now. The Bloodline of Erdrick lives on Aishe and the Princess of Grand Estard, and Kiefer in the past, the Lower and Upper Worlds are sealed for good and Rubiss is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Numen is around and quite well. Time for the 3rd and final timeline.

    • Third Timeline

    Now, about the 3rd timeline… If Eleven going back in time created a new timeline, it would stand to reason that Serenica would too, by going back in time herself and changing the past.

    What would result, in my opinion, is a timeline that would have elements from both of the previous ones, albeit differently. This is a timeline where Yggdragon is still present, and her descendants probably still good, there would still be some descendants of the very first Erdrick, Dialto, but also some of the Zenith elements, as everything leading to this timeline could still happen, in a way.

    This, in my mind, means that the events of DQIII could still eventually take place too, tho with some differences. Ortega would still be around, but his son would be Abel, instead of Arel (the name of the Hero of DQIII in mangas, CD audio, novels etc), the Dragon Queen is nowhere to be seen because the Sacred Dragon is around, Baramos is the one in charge, etc. Oh, and Mina and Maya are around too. So are Alina and Kyril. This, of course, refers to the anime Dragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel, which features elements from both DQIII and IV, like characters and plots.

    Aaaaand just a fun thing to note, the beta design for the Luminary, in XI, is pretty close to the design of Abel. So one could imagine the events of XI, or rather the characters of XI being born anyway. The Luminary could be born in what would eventually become the LotHa version of Aliahan.

    Speaking of stories happening differently, one could even see the past of The Quest of Daï (manga version) as being a different version of DQI. Like an alternate depiction of this story. Think Marvel and multiverse theory. Similar events in different worlds/timelines, leading to alternatives versions of the same events.

    I'll admit that this 3rd timeline, and its content, are more than dubbious tho. :'D

    • DQIX - X

    You will have probably not by then than I didn't put DQIX or X anywhere in this timeline. That's because, in my opinion, these games have their own "world".

    Their are a lot of similarities between these games' lore, if you look at the japanese name for some of the characters. For example, Zenus, the All-Mighty of IX, is called Gran Zenith ( グランゼニス, Guran Zenisu) in Japanese, which is also the name of the tutelar god of the Human race in X.

    But what is maybe the most flagrant point imo, is a quest in version 1.4, where the player hears of a book called The Epic of Greygnarl (グレイナル叙事詩, Gureinaru jojishi, lit. Granal epic) , グレイナル being the Japanese name for Greygnarl in IX too. This book tells how the world of X was once saved from the Estark-like being by a fella that was nicknamed "Guardian of the starry sky" (星空の守り人, Hoshizora no mamoribito). His sword is used by a PNJ, and said sword his described as a " white star sword left by an angel" (天使が残した白星剣, Tenshi ga nokoshita shiroboshi ken).

    This elements, plus the presence of the golden train, Stella and Aster being part of X's world for a super long time) and the very nature of the golden train "Heavnly Ark" in japanese (天の箱舟, Ten no Hakobune), and the filiation of DQIX to biblical events (even the name of the Celestrians are related to biblical characters, like Aquilla being called Izayar (イザヤール), from the character named Isaïe in the Old Testament, plus the whole Corvus/Lucifer vs Zenus/God thing (Corvus being called Elgios (エルギオス, Erugiosu, from the Hebrew word "El" and the Gree "Agios" which mean "Sacred/Saint") makes me think that, at some point after these events, much like in those Old Testament books, the Hero of IX, Greygnarl, and other DQIX characters had an "exodus" of sorts to the world of DQX, from where Zenus originated, 6000 years before the present of DQX v1.0 (the time when the Estark-like being was defeated by the "angel").

    Aaaaaand, well there it is. Feel free to critisize, to give your take on a potential timeline etc. If it is possible to edit, I will gladly add some pics to illustrate whenever it is possible. c:

    submitted by /u/GumballBonnibel
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    Remember Dick tree? I wanna do the same thing but with DQ 11

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Remember Dick tree, The guy who grinded Cloud and the other to LV. 99 in FF7? I wanna do the same thing in the first area with monsters of DQ 11, the area after Cobblestone, where you go with your horse for the first time. Any tips about weapons/abilities/strategies etc. ?

    submitted by /u/Giannond
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    How long would you say DQV's main story campaign is, if you take out the grinding time?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Pre-Order to Definitive; Why Buy it Again?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

    >Life is garbage
    >Huge DQ fan
    >DQXI available for Pre-Order on PS4
    >Eyes light up; sell things just to pre-order
    >Wait patiently and excitedly for it's release
    >Play through it
    >Almost beat it
    >PS4 breaks and needs factory reset
    >RIP Save files for literally every single game
    >Play through it again and get back to where I was (a little bit behind)
    >Definitive Edition for Switch comes out
    >I find out it gets exclusive features
    >I wait a bit
    >COR BLIMEY I must have it
    >I buy it
    >I am now a little bit behind my save on PS4
    >PS4 gets Definitive Edition after article after article read saying PS4 would not get Definitive Edition
    >B L E E D I N ' N O R A
    >Pepped up
    >Psyched up x 100
    >About to cause 1000 damage to punching bag
    >Square Enix casts Fuddle
    >I am confused and now I do not know what to do
    >RIP Tension
    >RIP Pep Up
    >Sitting in my room about to ship to Basic Training in two months jamming to Hotto theme wondering if it's worth it to buy the Definitive Edition for PS4
    >Still no DQ9 remake

    I have never even gotten to fight Calasmos yet, but Dear Goddess I need to. The only thing that would make spending that extra money worth it is if I buy the Definitive Edition for the PS4 and I keep my save file and it just updates from the Pre-Order into the Definitive Edition. Is that what happens?

    submitted by /u/Sage_Of_Noodles
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    DQ11 Switch Edition: how much time left?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:53 PM PST

    If I am honest, I am not really enjoying Dragon Quest 11. I have been rushing the main quest line without any side quests just to finish the game since I spent the money on it. Please do not comment, "well if you don't like it then don't play". I am aware of that. However, I have gotten to the third chapter and feel like I may be getting close to the end of the game. Though I have gotten to a point where if I have to put in more than another 10 hours I think I will just ditch the game and begin playing something else in my backlog. I am going to assume if you are reading this post you have completed the game, but anyways spoilers ahead...

    Here is where I am: I have played through all the little side stories after Yggdrasil falls, I am back as the MC and have recruited Hendrick to the team. I have also just found Sylvando and have gained access to the ship once again.

    Am I less than 10 hours away from finishing the game excluding post-game content? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JASskaters
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