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    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    Dragon Quest My fav storyline so far!

    Dragon Quest My fav storyline so far!

    My fav storyline so far!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    Joke Time! Why do Healslimes float?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Because they're full of healium.

    submitted by /u/TheKakuzato
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    So Animal Crossing has an update which includes new designs to customize, like flags, fans, and face cut-outs. So I decided to make a face cut-out of the Slime.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    Does this give anyone else Luigi's Mansion vibes?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    The Leotard Trio by ガしガし

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    i have a lot of sketches and sketchy dumb comics

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    murder is Not Allowed

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Weird thing I noticed. 0 exp to the next level up.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    3 Things I want in Dragon Quest 12.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Keep in mind I'm still only halfway into playing 11 (My first DQ game) so forgive me if I end up saying something stupid.

    1: A class/job system, I heard that other Dragon Quest games have this so I'd really like to see how they could incorporate it, especially with something like the character builder.

    2: Some optional party members: There wouldn't be many, and they'd mostly be relegated to side quests, but I still think it would be a cool idea...

    3: Some adjustments to weapon types: I think that some of them could have some more distinct traits other that different character builder skills (whips, boomerangs, and heavy claws are good examples of unique weapon types), and I also think some weapon types need buffs (especially boomerangs).

    submitted by /u/Chadga2030
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    Chapter 1 - The Angel Falls

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    General Information : This is a written story from a challenge run of Dragon Quest IX I am currently doing where I am taking the characters you guys made to get through the game. More info on that here.

    If you guys want the version I wrote with the gifs and better visuals click here.

    Thanks for all your support on this project so far, and I'll be posting more updates as we go!

    Flaffy woke up with his head spinning and feeling like it got hit with a sledgehammer. He was only able to see white for a few minutes as the world slowly came into view with a blue sky and a young girl looking down at him with a concerned expression.

    "Ummm… are you okay?" the girl asked

    Flaffy tried to flap his wings to get up, but he didn't move. His eyes widened when he realized that girl in front of her was able to see her. He was the village's guardian angel, this shouldn't be possible. He tried to flap his wings again, but once again nothing happened. He couldn't even feel them.

    He tried to stand up but collapsed, writhing in pain and blacked out.

    When his eyes opened, Flaffy was in a bed with appendages wrapped around his body. He tried to stand up but managed to fall face first onto a hard-wood floor. The young girl ran in to help him up and told him he should probably take it easy for a little bit.

    She introduced herself as Erinn. Flaffy had a lot of questions that she answered thoughtfully. He didn't know where he was and was confused about what he should be doing. She told him that they were in a village called "Angel Falls," known for it's beautiful waterfall that provides some of the cleanest water in the world.

    "If you aren't sure what you want to do, you could help me at the Inn when you get better. I can use all the help I can get since we get a lot of travelers coming to see the waterfall." Erinn said.

    So, the plan was in place. When Flaffy felt better he would help Erinn run the Inn until he knew what he should be doing. His wings and halo were gone, meaning he was mortal now. Until he could find a lead on how to get them back, he was going to do everything he could to repay Erinn for saving him.

    He looked at the desk at the side of his bed to see flowers and it brought a smile to his face.

    Ivor felt the sweat forming in the palms of his hands. He looked at the flowers he held in his hand. To get them, he had to battle a Cruelcumber that was destroying the flower field with a spear. The monsters that emerged after the earthquake have been destroying the flowers all around Angel Falls. He knew that all of the flowers would be gone soon so his time to collect them was limited.

    The door to Erinn's house was right in front of him. All he needed to do was knock and he could hand her the flowers. But what if she thought it was weird for him to be bringing flowers? What if she was allergic? What if this ruined their friendship and she would hate him forever? Right as he was debating walking away, the door opened.

    "Oh hey Ivor!" Erinn said with a huge smile on her face. "You brought flowers? That's so thoughtful!"

    "Oh.. well it was really no big deal." Ivor said feeling his face getting a little red.

    "Flaffy is going to love these!" she exclaimed as she ripped the flowers out of his hands.

    After a few weeks, Flaffy was doing well enough to move around again. He was going to help Erinn at the Inn but apparently the earthquake caused a landslide to block the path to other towns. No people were coming to Angel Falls because of it. That meant she got a vacation, but also isn't making any money.

    Ivor approached Flaffy with the idea of working with him to clear the landslide. While they're out they can collect bounties on monsters and sell the loot so the town could use it for building materials and create new weapons to defend the town.

    Ivor seemed really excited about the idea. "If we can clear the landslide it can really help Erinn out… I mean… the town will really benefit from it."

    So the two of them left the village to clear the landslide.

    Flaffy looked at all the surrounding land to see monsters everywhere. Where once stood beautiful flowers fields and cherry blossoms trees laid a withered landscape. The trees that still stood looked like a giant cat used them all as a scratching post and the rest had fallen over. Some had fallen on the path making it dangerous to traverse.

    The guilt made Flaffy's heart sink. It was his job to protect this town from the monsters. The monsters getting this out of control was due to his inability to do his job. Why did this have to happen on the second day of his job?

    Just as the two of them were about to reach the landslide, Flaffy noticed a bunch of trees had been knocked over with a set of two tracks leading into concaved path created by whatever knocked them down. His eyes widened when he saw what the culprit as. The Starflight Express. The flying train that lead passengers between his world and the mortal realm had crash landed into the forest.

    Ivor looked at Flaffy with a concerned expression. "What are you looking at Flaffy?" He asked while looking at the train. All he was able to see were the trees that were knocked over. The train itself did not seem to be visible to him. Flaffy decided to brush it off and continue, but in his mind he knew that he would have to investigate this in his own time.

    When they reached the landslide they realized that they were in way over their heads. They were not going to be able to clear this on their own. Ivor felt his heart sink when he realized how trapped their town was and he was extremely worried about how the village would survive. He started thinking about all the things he could do to make sure the town had enough food to survive and the defensed he could create for the monsters.

    While Ivor was stuck in his head worried about the village, Flaffy drowned in his guilt. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for him. The whole world is in chaos because something went wrong when offering the benevolessence to the world tree. He wasn't able to protect his village in his mortal body. The town is going to suffer because of him.

    The two of them were about to turn around and head home when they heard voices on the other side of the landslide.

    "HEYYYY! IS ANYONE OVER THERE!?" the voice called.

    Ivor climbed to the top of the landslide to see soldiers from the town of Stornway on the other side! "We're saved," he thought to himself when he saw that an army of soldiers had tools to clear the landslide.

    The soldiers said they were taking care of the landslide, but they wanted to know if a girl named "Patty" had made it to Angel Falls. They said that she may have went through The Hexagon to make it there since the landslide had blocked their path. Ivor brushed it off as a rumor because there is no way someone would go through The Hexagon. It's way too dangerous.

    With that, the two of them went back to town with the good news. The landslide was going to be cleared. They also asked around to see if Patty had ever made it to the village, but nobody had seen her.

    submitted by /u/Flaffy33
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    This poor Slime in a well just wants to live with the townspeople

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    DQ VII Characters....

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    I began playing DQ VII and I'm mostly at the beginning (Already did a few battles and reached the first town)

    But I don't know how to feel about the characters.... For example Maribel is very annoying and the Hero's uncle is also pretty mean. The only character that I like is Kiefer.

    But do they get better as the story continues? Because the Story is also very slow...

    submitted by /u/PaperMoonM
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    I made a new walkthrough and I hoped somebody would've wanted to see it

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    A Warlock chants the spell of SLEEP

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    My god. This game just got punishing. "Thou art still asleep". This fight that was simple my first few times just destroyed me.

    submitted by /u/SanDimas1988
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    Parry Chance with Greatsword Guard?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    What is the Parry chance you get if you use Greatsword Guard?

    submitted by /u/Toring1520
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    Sparkly Spot in Zwaardsrust region?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    There is a sparkly spot north-west of the Zwaardsrust region (you know, where the Inn's at) but I can't access it because there is a big rock in the way. Am I doing something rock or will that rock avoid me from getting through until a point in the story?

    submitted by /u/Toring1520
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    Are you able to change your characters hair and eye color in this game?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    I just started my dragon quest game (after only judging it as the low budget dragonball/legend of zelda) when I learned about the "Hero" and saw him play and gOD HIS KABOOM anyways so can I change the appearance, besides his clothes?

    submitted by /u/AmeenWrld
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