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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Dragon Quest Official artwork for Dragon Quest Builders 2 is amazing

    Dragon Quest Official artwork for Dragon Quest Builders 2 is amazing

    Official artwork for Dragon Quest Builders 2 is amazing

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:27 AM PST

    Picked up this guy today and had to let him ride up front. ��

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    Brand new to Dragon Quest, killed a metal slime!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    I found one just before the sultan with the Yggdrasil branch, wow that was a lot of exp!!!

    submitted by /u/SirGrinchPSN
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    Sword I got from Crane Game Toreba. (I don't have a Slime so the Illuminati will have to do)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    (Postgame spoilers) this took me so long. And im so damn proud of myself

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:27 PM PST

    i liquify tooled my face into a slime

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:29 PM PST

    Post Game Dark One Final Boss

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:56 AM PST

    What level would you recommend to be for this fight? I been preparing for it and my team is in the 70s levels and I never try this fight yet so I'm completely blind on it. (No spoiler about the fight pls, want to go in blind on this fight)

    submitted by /u/wccullison
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    Channel emotes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:37 AM PST

    So I painted a Slime in acrylic. Thought y'all guys might like it. (OC)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:45 PM PST

    I think I realized what I love most about Dragon Quest

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:50 PM PST

    It's the artstyle, especially the monsters. I've played many rpgs over the years and aside from maybe a few I feel like a lot of monsters tend to blend in one way or the other that after a while they tend to just not stand out. But Dragon Quest's monsters feel so vibrant and unique. Even the monsters that only show up for like 2 games still stand out in some way. The characters also feel incredibly distinct in their designs where no two ever seem to be even similar. This even extends to the npcs where we have iconic looks such as the masked buff shirtless guys, warriors both male and female, fighters, nuns and priests, and even the bunnygirls!

    It honestly makes me respect Akira Toriyama for being able to make such distinct and memorable monsters and characters that only increases in number over the years. Which in retrospect explains why I never liked the 'Dragon Ball' jokes in reference to DQ, it just feels insulting to say that they're basically the same when DQ's artstyle has a completely different feel despite being drawn by the same artist. Some of the early stuff I can see the similarities, but nowadays its completely its own thing.

    submitted by /u/Apolleh
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    Dragon Quest XI First Team

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

    So I'm starting DQXI toay, but I wanted to o ahead and put together a potential character/team build to use throughout the game. I mostly used some suggestions and a guide on Neoseeker. If you could give me your opinions, something I should do different or other advice, that will be helpful. Thanks!

    Hero- greatswords (respec to swords?)- luminary branch Erik-knives Veronica-heavy wands maybe go to vim a little later Serena- Wands, go into Harpistry Sylvando- whips get hustle dance Jade-spears Rab-claws, get m-pathy and right as rain fil out Enlightenment path Eight(spoiler?)-swords Shields or axes not sure...

    Note-Rab and the spoiler character seemed a bit up in the air for me. Also, do characters get 2 paths? It looks like there is a weapon path like Swords etc. and qualities/attributes paths like Allure, and so on.

    submitted by /u/katineko
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    How to turn on pep animations

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:21 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'm new to dragon quest XI. I think i accidentally turn off the pep power animations. How do i turn it back on? Cant seem to find it in the settings.

    submitted by /u/mavi771
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    Dragon quest 6 classes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:39 AM PST

    I just defeated you know who for the last time. My party is probably gonna be hero,carver,milly and Ashlynn(or maybe the other dude?)while I don t have terry. Do you guys have any recommendation? Tbh I wanted to make them ALL hero like I did when I played 7. But it seems to be much harder in this game.

    submitted by /u/Coffee_Jelly_
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    Question about quests in DQIX

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:41 PM PST

    Should I just put off quests for a while? Cause while I am using a guide to know when quests are available, the availability is all over the damn place and its so hard to keep track. As an example I have acess to some quests in the 20s just barely having beaten Brigadoom, yet quest 11 isn't available til after getting the ultimte key which I'm at least 90% certain isn't gonna be until late game

    submitted by /u/Apolleh
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    Stuck on Dragon Quest Builders 1, PLEASE HELP!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:39 PM PST

    Bought this game last week and I'm in love. I've been stuck on a quest and can't move on.
    The quest is simple; Add a leather sack, a sconce and a shop sign in the workshop. I've done it, multiple times, moved the things around and read the quest a billion times yet I can't finish the quest. I'm starting to think that it's a bug, any suggestions???

    submitted by /u/AkyaAddams
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    [META] I really love how chill the DQ community is

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    I'm a new fan of JRPGs, I always had a passing interest in a few series like Pokemon and the occasional DQ spinoff (Rocket Slime shoutout) but in the past two years I discovered I love the genre, but every other JRPG sub is so gatekeepy. This sub however, is very welcoming of new fans introduced through DQXII. I also like how the newest game isn't always bashed. Final Fantasy and SMT fans always bash the newest/most popular game in the series and it's refreshing ot see an amazing game get the love it deserves.

    submitted by /u/chotix
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    Caravan Heart: Translated Repros?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:29 PM PST

    I recently bought a copy of DQM: Caravan Heart, and I love the game. However, being an English only speaker, I am having a lot of trouble understanding what to do and where to go. I've fumbled my way through the first bit of the game, I got to a castle with a demon lady and some monster, and now I'm honestly very confused on what to do.

    I could have a walk through constantly by my side, but I was wondering if there was any translation of the game. There is, and it's a darn good one at that. I always prefer using hardware over emulation if possible, so does anyone know of any reliable sources for good quality translated reproduction cartridges of this game?

    submitted by /u/Juiced1302
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    [DQVII] Quite stuck on a boss, need advice

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:24 PM PST

    Not sure if this is spoilerific information, but I'm on mobile so I have no clue how to tag spoilers.

    Anyway, Culumus Rex, hoo boy. First time a boss killed me. I saw a thread here that another user had issues with him and others gave advice on what to do.

    I want to follow that advice but am I allowed to leave a past scenario "unfinished" to go master other vocations and such in the present time?

    I believe if I have Sir Mervyn being the mage with Multiheal, I could possibly win. Seven (Hero) has Multiheal because I had him master the Healslime class. I believe getting Magic Barrier will definitely be a boon.

    Also, having Kazing too.

    Will I also need to backtrack to Nottagen to buy the armors that lessen magic damage? I only had enough to buy two at the time, plus selling old stuff that weren't needed.

    My characters are mid to low 20's and I guess the only reason I'm having a bad time is because of my equipment. I also tried the casino but I actually suck at it, so I try not to bother.

    So, here's my current setup. Please feel free to suggest changes and any other classes that would be suitable for the characters. If it comes down to using the casino, then... well, I'll try again.

    Hero (Auster) Level 26 Platinum sword Silver cuirass Platinum shield Pirate's hat Agility ring Mastered classes: Warrior, Dancer Current: Sailor (7 stars)

    Ruff Level 24 Flametang Boomerang Heavy armour Kitty shield Pirate's hat Trailblazing bandana Classes mastered: Martial artist, Thief, Sailor Current: Pirate (6 stars)

    Sir Mervyn Level 22 Dream blade Heavy armour Magic shield Iron helmet Trailblazing bandana Classes mastered: Warrior Current: Thief (5 stars)

    Aishe Level 22 Sword of the Roamers Party dress Silver platter Silver tiara Ruby of protection Classes mastered: Dancer Current: Troubadour (4 stars)

    IMO, I do want to get to the second and third tier classes but it is taking a long while due to these apparent level caps in the areas. But yes. Any advice is appreciated. I would like to get passed this boss. I've heard it is doable around the levels my characters are but RNG really hates me and it keeps using like Kaswoosh and such.

    I am playing the 3DS version, if this helps people. It's my, I suppose, fourth or fifth DQ game to try and beat. I finished IV a couple weeks back finally, started VIII and IX, halfway through XI, and eventually will try to get my hands on V and VI. I beat I and III, and II will be likely my last one.

    Anyways, thank you in advance for taking the time to read and respond.

    submitted by /u/Inoune
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    PS4 or Switch (Already own PS4 and game)?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:09 PM PST

    I'm sure similar posts pop up all the time but I just bought the PS4 version and love the game so far. I do not have a Switch but seeing the changes now, I wonder if I should buy a Switch and play that. I do want an amazing experience, if it's FAR SUPERIOR to the PS4 version I could consider buying a Switch + Game.

    No transmog in PS4 is a real bummer :( My FOMO is real lol

    submitted by /u/monkeymugshot
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    Just got DQ XI-S

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST

    I'm loving the game so far, although I just begun. I just see one flaw so far. Gemma's voice actor is very distracting. The way she switches between American and English accents is very noticeable. Fortunately, I just left the village on my mission, so hopefully I won't have to head her for a while.

    This being my first DQ, is this typical for the series? Part of the charm?

    submitted by /u/Hobo_Delta
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